- PHP 7.1 or higher (https://secure.php.net/)
- Composer (https://getcomposer.org/download/)
- A Pimcore Installation (Symfony 3.4)
- A doofinder account
just run:
composer require asioso/pimcore-doofinder:dev-master
just enable and install the Bundle in the pimcore extension manager.
what's absolutely necessary to be added to your config.yml file:
search_api_key: "<search-api-key>"
management_api_key: "<management-api-key>"
Take a look here for a deeper insights on the internal workings of this bundle, but in short: doofinder let's you define multiple search engines for your account. Each of these engines might have several types (so to say indices) for content. Each type's content might greatly differ in structure and content, however they all must share the same language-property (also currency!) from their parent engine.
For example you want to put your webshop's products from pimcore to doofinder. Let's say you have active localization for German (DE) und English (EN) and Prices in Euro(€) and Pound(£). That would mean you would still have to create two search engines in doofinder, one for each language respectively.
So you will have add the following configurations (simplified)
- de_engine (DE , €)
+ de - products
- en_engine (EN , £)
+ en -products
Given the case you would like to offer both currencies in both languages, you will need four engines!
- de_eur_engine (DE , €)
+ de-eur - products
- en_eur_engine (EN , €)
+ en-eur -products
- de_pound_engine (DE , £)
+ de_pound - products
- en__pound engine (EN , £)
+ en_pound -products
Keep this in mind, but apparently that's how doofinder is designed.
Note before you continue reading, I'm aware that there is some potential in mixing up terminology, because of the following:
- in doofinder:
- an engine is just a search engine with any number of types (indices) attached.
- in this bundle:
- an engine refers to exactly one engine and one type.
This is due to design and let's us determine an engine and type specific representation per Object. This is important, you can read more on this in the internals.
Below you can see a configuration we have been using for a project. We are using 3 types for one search engine. So each bundle-engine here uses the same but references different types.
- products with type: test_products
- products_special with type: test_products_special
- content with type: test_content
way more interesting are the engine's item definitions. class defines the object's classname it's "listening" to, the field set defines the feed representation.
- dfAttribute: is the attribute's name obviously (this will end up in feeds header line)
- classAttribute: either:
- 'self' with combination of a merger
- the attributes Name. e.g 'description' - we are using PathProperty and Reflection to retrieve the value
- merger: originally designed to merge arrays, but can be used to do other things as well. just use it as a callback where you can control the output. see here for more details
- locale: very useful if the classAttribute is a localized field
- getter: if classAttribute itself is another object, then getter will be executed.
This settings and behavior came up during development, so there is still potential to do this better and more user friendly. Configuration can be quite redundant right now for example.
search_api_key: "<search-api-key>"
management_api_key: "<management-api-key>"
name: "products"
type: "test_product"
site_url: "https://example.de/"
language: "German"
currency: "Euro"
hashId: "<hashId>"
baseURL: "https://example.de"
user: ~
class: "AppBundle\\Model\\DefaultProduct"
listing: "Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\Product\\Listing"
- {dfAttribute: "title", classAttribute: "self", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\TitleMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de" } ] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "description", classAttribute: "description", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\DescriptionMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de" } ] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "image link", classAttribute: "self", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\FirstImageMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de", baseUrl: "https://example.de" , thumbnail: 'productDetailThumb'}] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "product_type", classAttribute: "categories", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\CategoriesMerger", field: "", options: [{locale: "de"}] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "link", url: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\DefaultProductURLProvider", locale: "de", route: "shop-detail" } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "attributes", classAttribute: "self", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\DefaultProductAttributeMerger", field: "", options: [{"locale":"de"} ]} ] }
- {dfAttribute: "price", classAttribute: "self", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\PriceMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de" } ] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "uvp price", classAttribute: "self", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\UvpPriceMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de"} ] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "id", classAttribute: "id"}
- {dfAttribute: "brand", classAttribute: "brand", locale: "de" , getter: "getName" }
- {dfAttribute: "sku_field", classAttribute: "sku" }
- {dfAttribute: "sku2", classAttribute: "skuTwo" }
- {dfAttribute: "sku3", classAttribute: "skuThree",}
- {dfAttribute: "manufacturer", classAttribute: "manufacturer", locale: "de", getter: "getName" }
name: "products_special"
type: "test_product_special"
site_url: "https://example.de/"
language: "German"
currency: "Euro"
hashId: "<hashId>"
baseURL: "https://example.de"
user: ~
class: "AppBundle\\Model\\DefaultProductSpecial"
listing: "Pimcore\\Model\\DataObject\\Product\\Listing"
- {dfAttribute: "title", classAttribute: "name", locale: "de" }
- {dfAttribute: "description", classAttribute: "description", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\DescriptionMerger", field: "", options: [{ locale: "de" } ] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "image_link", classAttribute: "self", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\SpecialImageMerger", field: "", options: [{ baseUrl: "https://example.de" , thumbnail: 'specialProductThumbnail'}] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "product type", classAttribute: "categories", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\CategoriesMerger", field: "", options: [{locale: "de"}] } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "link", url: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\ProductSpecialURLProvider", locale: "de", route: "shop-detail" , prefix: "https://example.de" } ] }
- {dfAttribute: "id", classAttribute: "id"}
name: "content"
type: "test_content"
site_url: "https://example.de/"
language: "German"
currency: "Euro"
hashId: "<hashId>"
baseURL: "https://example.de"
user: ~
class: "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Document"
listing: "\\Pimcore\\Model\\Document\\Listing"
listing_arguments: [unpublished: "false", condition: "`parentId` = 2"]
- {dfAttribute: "id", classAttribute: "id" }
- {dfAttribute: "title", classAttribute: "title", locale: "de" }
- {dfAttribute: "description", classAttribute: "description", locale: "de" }
- {dfAttribute: "metadata", classAttribute: "metadata", locale: "de",merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\MetadataMerger"} ] }
- {dfAttribute: "link", url: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\DocumentURLProvider", prefix: "https://example.de" } ] }
#- {dfAttribute: "image_link", classAttribute: "self", locale: "de", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\ContentImageMerger", field: "", options: [{ baseUrl: "https://example.de" }] } ] }
#- {dfAttribute: "content", classAttribute: "self", merger: [ { class: "AppBundle\\doofinder\\PageContentMerger" } ] }
After defining your configuration, to generate your datafeed you will need to define a pimcore/symfony command to do the heavy lifting for you.
If you are familiar with Pimcore you will know that you have multiple possibilities to query for objects
- use Listings via the API
- write your own SQL query
- using an Index
You can find a implementation of such a command here, which uses both default object listings and AdvancedMysql Index Service and runs with efficient ressource management in mind.
- explain active and objectPathRegex configuration