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JDT DpGen — Design Pattern Generator CLI and IntelliJ Plugin

This project implements a cli and an IntelliJ plugin that generates several design patterns described in the GoF book. You can make a selection of design pattern with several configurable options and parameters (including package name, class/interface names, datatype and variables names among others). An explanation for each pattern and the relationship among its reference types can be retrieved on-demand. The program itself makes use of some of these patterns (Builder, Factory Method, Prototype, Observer, etc.), both directly and indirectly.



  1. About Design Patterns
  2. Some Important Files
  3. Gradle multi project setup details
  4. Application Design
  5. Setup Instructions
  6. Usage Details
  7. Demo
  8. References

1. About Design Patterns

According to the GoF (Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software) book:

A design pattern names, abstracts, and identifies the key aspects of a common design structure that make it useful for creating a reusable object-oriented design. The design pattern identifies the participating classes and instances, their roles and collaborations, and the distribution of responsibilities. Each design pattern focuses on a particular object-oriented design problem or issue. It describes when it applies, whether it can be applied in view of other design constraints, and the consequences and trade-offs of its use.

The design patterns discussed can be categorized into groups (more details in "Usage" Section):

  • Creational patterns abstract the instantiation process. They help make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed, and represented.

  • Structural patterns are concerned with how classes and objects are composed to form larger structures. Structural class patterns use inheritance to compose interfaces or implementations.

  • Behavioural patterns are concerned with algorithms and assignment of responsibilities between objects. Behavioral patterns describe not just patterns of objects or classes but also the patterns of communication between them.

These patterns when used correctly can result in cleaner more reusable and maintainable code base, however they are not intended to be applied directly in all scenarios without proper consideration of the problem at hand. Many times overusing design patterns can lead to abuse. Also, the same design pattern may be implemented in a number of ways, each having its merits and demerits. As per my understanding, there's a lot of debate on how some of these patterns should be implemented and even that some qualify as an Anti-pattern. For example, the Singleton pattern can be implemented in any one or combination of these ways: Eager initialization, Static block initialization, Lazy Initialization, Thread Safe Singleton, Bill Pugh Singleton Implementation, Using Reflection to destroy Singleton Pattern, Enum Singleton, Serialization and Singleton. This link highlights some of its common criticisms.

2. Some Important Files

    /generator                      sources for represnting custom design pattern refernce types
        /behavioral                     cli and generator classes for behavioral design patterns
        /creational                     cli and generator classes for creational design patterns
        /structural                     cli and generator classes for structural design patterns
    /parser                         classes for parsing custom design pattern refernce types
    /utils                          helper classes             saves file (*.java) assuming a maven project structure      for logging fields in class files          for invoking mvn command to setup a java/scala project

src/main/resources/reference.conf   the default configuration file for reference


    /action                                   class(es) for extending the intellij action system
    /model                                    pojo class(es) for data exchange
    /ui                                       sources for gui form and parent intellij dialog 

3. Gradle multi project setup details

This project is setup as a multi-project gradle build. The root project is jdt-dpgen with sub-projects jdt-dpgen-cli and jdt-dpgen-intellij. The jdt-dpgen-cli sub-project implements the CLI. Whereas the jdt-dpgen-intellij sub-project implements the IntelliJ plugin (GUI) and has a dependency on jdt-dpgen-cli.

Gradle Dependencies for jdt-dpgen-cli sub-project
jdt-dpgen-cli sub-project
Gradle Dependencies for jdt-dpgen-intellij sub-project
jdt-dpgen-intellij sub-project

4. Application Design

The design pattern generator is built as a command line application and IntelliJ plugin that accepts user input. You may either use the stand-alone cli application or the plugin from within IntelliJ IDE to generate the design patterns. The application design for both are described below.

4.1 CLI Sub-Project jdt-dpgen-cli

For illustration, I am using below arguments to generate the builder pattern for some Employee builder design pattern with complex representation (many properties): Arguments are passed to com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main class. (see usage section for details)


4.1.1 Gathering input from the user

For each design pattern there exists a pair of files within the package names com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.generator.behavioral, com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.generator.creational, com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.generator.structural.

The first type of file ending in prefix 'Q' contains the source for parsing the command line input and also showing command usage instructions. All of these classes implement the java.util.concurrent.Callable interface and make use of annotations for making the cli (supported through the picocli library). These files are responsible for instantiating their respective design pattern generator class.

The second type of files ending in prefix 'Gen' take the parsed cli input and returns a custom representation of interface (DpInterfaceSource) and class (DpClassSource) types associated with the design pattern. The representations are specific to each design pattern and capture the relationships as per some rules set in the same class body.

22:34:31.035 |     main | INFO  | w1.generator.creational.BuilderQ | Generating representation for design pattern sources.
22:34:31.042 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | packageName=com.gof.creational.builder
22:34:31.044 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | abstractBuilderName=Builder
22:34:31.044 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | concreteBuilderName=EmployeeBuilder
22:34:31.044 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | concreteProductName=Employee
22:34:31.044 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | propertiesMap={age=int, lastName=String, firstName=String, responsibilities=java.util.List<String>}

4.1.2 Custom representation for classes and interfaces

The custom top-level named reference type representations DpClassSource and DpInterfaceSource, extend the DpSource interface and loosely represent a class and an interface along with their members. These members can be fields/properties (DpSourceField) and methods (DpSourceMethod) in the case of DpClassSource instances or just methods in case of DpInterfaceSource. Enums are used for modeling possible modifier values. All four of these implement a basic inner static Builder pattern with mandatory parameters and lazy validation.
Additionally, to avoid a lot of boilerplate code associated with generating a DpSourceMethod when representing an override, the DpSourceMethod declares a copying builder method (a variation on the copy constructor, often discussed along with the Prototype design pattern).

It is important to note that these custom representations are quite limiting when compared to what one can accomplish within an actual class or interface declaration. For ex: there's no support for annotations, parameterized class definitions, inner class etc., just to name a few of those. However this is not an issue since you are supposed to customize on these generated design pattern files manually later. Also, all of the design patterns can be implemented without the need for supporting such extended representations.

4.1.3 The process of generating custom representation from input

Lastly, DpArrayList extends the java.util.ArrayList class and provides overloaded add() methods that are specific to the derived class. This class can be instantiated to hold objects of the derived type DpSource. This is a convenient data structure to pass around since it can hold both the derived types (DpInterfaceSource, DpClassSource). The 'Gen' prefix classes make use of DpArrayList to add design pattern reference types as they are built (using Builder design pattern) in their respective main method.

22:34:31.065 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | DpClassSource[packageName='com.gof.creational.builder', name='Employee', javadoc='null', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifier=NONE, implementsInterfaces=[], extendsClass='Object', methods=[], fields=[DpSourceField[name='age', type='int', value='null', javadoc='null', getter=true, setter=true, modifiers=[], accessModifier=PUBLIC], DpSourceField[name='lastName', type='String', value='null', javadoc='null', getter=true, setter=true, modifiers=[], accessModifier=PUBLIC], DpSourceField[name='firstName', type='String', value='null', javadoc='null', getter=true, setter=true, modifiers=[], accessModifier=PUBLIC], DpSourceField[name='responsibilities', type='java.util.List<String>', value='null', javadoc='null', getter=true, setter=true, modifiers=[], accessModifier=PUBLIC]]]
22:34:31.075 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | DpClassSource[packageName='com.gof.creational.builder', name='Builder', javadoc='null', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifier=ABSTRACT, implementsInterfaces=[], extendsClass='Object', methods=[DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildAge', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[ABSTRACT], returnType='Builder', body='null', parameters={age=int}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildLastName', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[ABSTRACT], returnType='Builder', body='null', parameters={lastName=String}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildFirstName', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[ABSTRACT], returnType='Builder', body='null', parameters={firstName=String}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildResponsibilities', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[ABSTRACT], returnType='Builder', body='null', parameters={responsibilities=java.util.List<String>}, inherited=false]], fields=[]]
22:34:31.083 |     main | DEBUG | .generator.creational.BuilderGen | DpClassSource[packageName='com.gof.creational.builder', name='EmployeeBuilder', javadoc='null', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifier=NONE, implementsInterfaces=[], extendsClass='Builder', methods=[DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildAge', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[NONE], returnType='Builder', body='employee.setAge(age);return this;', parameters={age=int}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildLastName', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[NONE], returnType='Builder', body='employee.setLastName(lastName);return this;', parameters={lastName=String}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildFirstName', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[NONE], returnType='Builder', body='employee.setFirstName(firstName);return this;', parameters={firstName=String}, inherited=false], DpSourceMethod[constructor=false, name='buildResponsibilities', javadoc='', accessModifier=PUBLIC, modifiers=[NONE], returnType='Builder', body='employee.setResponsibilities(responsibilities);return this;', parameters={responsibilities=java.util.List<String>}, inherited=false]], fields=[DpSourceField[name='employee', type='Employee', value='null', javadoc='null', getter=false, setter=false, modifiers=[], accessModifier=PUBLIC]]]
DpSource, UML Diagram
DpSource UML
Custom Class RepresentationDpClassSource (implements DpSource), UML Diagram
DpClassSource UML
Custom Interface Representation DpInterfaceSource (implements DpSource), UML Diagram
DpInterfaceSource UML
Member Type UML Diagram
Field DpSourceField UML
Method DpSourceMethod UML
Derived DpArrayList class (extends java.util.ArrayList), UML Diagram
DpArrayList UML

4.1.3 Serializing custom representations to java source code

Ultimately, the custom design pattern type representations need to be converted into actual Java source. For this we can use a parser like Javapoet (com.squareup.javapoet), JavaParser (com.github.javaparser), Roaster (org.jboss.forge.roaster) or Eclipse JDT (org.eclipse.jdt). For the sake of flexibility, a Factory Method design pattern has been implemented which may be used by the requester to serialize DpSource types into respective Java Source representations with any one of the four parsers mentioned above as backend. As for this project, only the Roaster implementation is developed and ready for use. Roaster uses Eclipse JDT as a shaded library but is much easier to use in comparison and provides a fluent interface for building objects.

22:34:31.088 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Processing 1 sub-commands.
22:34:31.092 |     main | INFO  | .cs474.hw1.parser.DpSourceParser | Initializing backend parser.
22:34:31.096 |     main | INFO  | hw1.parser.DpSourceParserRoaster | Initialized new Roaster backend.
22:34:31.097 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Begin processing builder sub-command.
22:34:31.108 |     main | INFO  | hw1.parser.DpSourceParserRoaster | Creating new design pattern class: com.gof.creational.builder.Builder
22:34:31.108 | worker-1 | INFO  | hw1.parser.DpSourceParserRoaster | Creating new design pattern class: com.gof.creational.builder.Employee
22:34:31.108 | worker-2 | INFO  | hw1.parser.DpSourceParserRoaster | Creating new design pattern class: com.gof.creational.builder.EmployeeBuilder
22:34:32.702 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Cease processing builder sub-command.
22:34:32.703 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Processed all sub-commands.
Parser Factory Method Implementation
Parser Factory

Once the serialization has been performed, the files are written to the user defined location. The serialization and file write operations are done in parallel for multiple files. There's also an attempt to initialize the root folder of generated files as a maven project. The project may be further converted to scala language through the use of the scalagen plugin. Note that the scala conversion is automatic and might have some deficiencies in the implementation. The conversion might also fail at times since the upstream project has not been updated in years. However, for the most part the conversion goes through without any issues.

22:34:32.838 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Attempting to write new file: src/main/resources/dpgen-output/src/main/java/com/gof/creational/builder/
22:34:32.848 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Wrote 744 bytes to file.
22:34:32.850 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Attempting to write new file: src/main/resources/dpgen-output/src/main/java/com/gof/creational/builder/
22:34:32.851 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Wrote 337 bytes to file.
22:34:32.852 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Attempting to write new file: src/main/resources/dpgen-output/src/main/java/com/gof/creational/builder/
22:34:32.852 |     main | INFO  | essin.cs474.hw1.utils.FileAuthor | Wrote 564 bytes to file.
22:34:32.853 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Setting up dpgen-output as new Maven project.
22:34:32.865 |     main | INFO  | sin.cs474.hw1.utils.MavenInvoker | Invoking mvn command: mvn -q archetype:generate \ -DgroupId=com.gof \ -DartifactId=dpgen-output \ \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=java8-quickstart-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 \ -DinteractiveMode=false
22:34:47.253 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Successfully setup dpgen-output as maven project.
22:34:47.253 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Beginning Java to Scala transformation.
22:34:47.254 |     main | INFO  | sin.cs474.hw1.utils.MavenInvoker | Invoking mvn command: mvn -q scalagen:main
22:34:55.928 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Successfully converted dpgen-output source files to scala.
22:34:55.929 |     main | INFO  |      com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main | Generated design patterns are available in src/main/resources/dpgen-output directory.

The Java output files produced are as follows (available under jdt-dpgen-cli/src/main/resources/dpgen-output):

Output Java class com.gof.creational.builder.Builder

package com.gof.creational.builder;

import java.util.List;

public abstract class Builder {

   public abstract Builder buildAge(int age);

   public abstract Builder buildLastName(String lastName);

   public abstract Builder buildFirstName(String firstName);

   public abstract Builder buildResponsibilities(List<String> responsibilities);

Output Java class com.gof.creational.builder.Employee

package com.gof.creational.builder;

import java.util.List;

public class Employee {

   public int age;
   public String lastName;
   public String firstName;
   public List<String> responsibilities;

   public int getAge() {
      return age;

   public void setAge(int age) {
      this.age = age;

   public String getLastName() {
      return lastName;

   public void setLastName(String lastName) {
      this.lastName = lastName;

   public String getFirstName() {
      return firstName;

   public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
      this.firstName = firstName;

   public List<String> getResponsibilities() {
      return responsibilities;

   public void setResponsibilities(List<String> responsibilities) {
      this.responsibilities = responsibilities;

Output Java class com.gof.creational.builder.EmployeeBuilder

package com.gof.creational.builder;

import java.util.List;

public class EmployeeBuilder extends Builder {

   public Employee employee;

   public Builder buildAge(int age) {
      return this;

   public Builder buildLastName(String lastName) {
      return this;

   public Builder buildFirstName(String firstName) {
      return this;

   public Builder buildResponsibilities(List<String> responsibilities) {
      return this;

And for transformed Scala code:

Output Scala class com.gof.creational.builder.Builder

package com.gof.creational.builder

import java.util.List
//remove if not needed
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

abstract class Builder {

  def buildAge(age: Int): Builder

  def buildLastName(lastName: String): Builder

  def buildFirstName(firstName: String): Builder

  def buildResponsibilities(responsibilities: List[String]): Builder

Output Scala class com.gof.creational.builder.Employee

package com.gof.creational.builder

import java.util.List
//remove if not needed
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

class Employee {

  var age: Int = _

  var lastName: String = _

  var firstName: String = _

  var responsibilities: List[String] = _

  def getAge(): Int = age

  def setAge(age: Int) {
    this.age = age

  def getLastName(): String = lastName

  def setLastName(lastName: String) {
    this.lastName = lastName

  def getFirstName(): String = firstName

  def setFirstName(firstName: String) {
    this.firstName = firstName

  def getResponsibilities(): List[String] = responsibilities

  def setResponsibilities(responsibilities: List[String]) {
    this.responsibilities = responsibilities

Output Scala class com.gof.creational.builder.EmployeeBuilder

package com.gof.creational.builder

import java.util.List
//remove if not needed
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

class EmployeeBuilder extends Builder {

  var employee: Employee = _

  def buildAge(age: Int): Builder = {

  def buildLastName(lastName: String): Builder = {

  def buildFirstName(firstName: String): Builder = {

  def buildResponsibilities(responsibilities: List[String]): Builder = {

The class com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main acts as a common entry point to all the sub-commands implemented in the class files ending in prefix 'Q'. It's nested classes also coordinates parsing config files, writing generated source representations to files and setting up maven project as described.

Package com.ashessin.cs474.hw1

4.2 GUI Sub-Project jdt-dpgen-intellij

As described earlier this project implements a IntelliJ plugin that makes us of the underlying cli application to generate design patterns right from the IDE in a project/package. To do this, we make use of the IntelliJ Platform SDK.

4.2.1 Designing GUI

To gather input from the user, we need a GUI. For this I have used IntelliJ's inbuilt GUI Designer which makes use of Swing library components. The GUI Designer gives two files, first the UI form file com/ashessin/cs474/hw2/ui/DpGenerateForm.form which contains the XML representation and the bound class com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.ui.DpGenerateForm. The bound class file has been further modified to add listeners, custom components and methods. The GUI Designer and the Form Preview is shown in below screenshot.


All Strings are picked up from the jdt-dpgen-intellij/resources/ resource file and are not hard-coded. Further, a number of Swing components are generated manually. For example, the com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.ui.DpGenerateForm.selectDpComboBox dropdown combobox is populated using data from com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main.getDesignPatterns which is in the other sub-project. The Listeners ensure that the UI components behaves as per expectations and gather user input. Their implementation is based on the Observer design pattern. Ultimately, the GUI populates the com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.ui.DpGenerateForm.parameters property using data from the Form text fields (javax.swing.JTextField) and this represents arguments that will be later passed to com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main.processResultMap method.

4.2.2 Creating a modal dialog

The form by itself is of no use and must be contained within an IntelliJ Dialog box. For this, we extend the com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper, class through com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.ui.DpGenerateDialogWrapper and it takes care of initializing the form.

4.2.3 Validating user input and detecting name clashes

Since the form accepts user input, there's a chance that the provided values (names for reference types) may be invalid. We can check for this by doing input validation via com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper.doValidateAll method. Some text field validations that are currently implemented:

  • empty field check
  • check for invalid reference type (class/interface) names (eg. Some.InVal@iDReferenceTyp3Name for a class)
  • check for name clashing; ie. duplicate reference type (class/interface) names in same field, across multiple fields, and within selected package
    validation-1 validation-1

4.2.4 Setting up model for data exchange

The UI classes and Action class (discussed in next section) do not interact directly but make use of a POJO com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.model.DpGenerate. The action class updates an instance of this class with the selected java package (on which the action was triggered) to be used by com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper class for validation (name clash checking).Whereas the form class updates the same instance with the command (formed based on user input) to be used by the com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.action.DpGenerateAction class in return.

4.2.5 Creating a custom IntelliJ action

The plugin dialog box must appear only on some user action. To accomplish this we extend the com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction, class through com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.action.DpGenerateAction.

All custom actions must be resisted with an Action Group, menu or toolbar to which the action is added. For the plugin, the custom action is registered with the ProjectViewPopupMenu group.

This extended class is responsible for both, enabling/disabling the action (com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.action.DpGenerateAction.update method) and executing the action (com.ashessin.cs474.hw2.action.DpGenerateAction.actionPerformed method). In our case, the action is enabled when the user right-clicks on a package name within the Project's view. Whereas the action execution leads to the following:

  1. Initialization of the dialog box (and hence the containing form)
  2. Execution of obtained command by com.ashessin.cs474.hw1.Main.processResultMap
  3. Creation of design pattern files using com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction and com.intellij.psi.PsiElement.add
  4. Opening of files in editor view and notifying users of success/failure

5. Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository using git clone command.

  2. For using jdt-dpgen-cli project as a stand-alone cli application, make sure you have maven installed and the MAVEN_HOME, M2_HOME environment variables point to the correct maven install location. On most Linux systems, /usr/share/maven. This can be check by using echo $MAVEN_HOME and echo $M2_HOME if running from a terminal. If you skip this step, the application would still work with limited functionality (ie. without scala code generation, automatic maven project setup)

  3. Change directory to the locally cloned repository, cd cs474-hw2.

  4. Run a gradle build along with test cases gradlew clean build or ./gradlew clean build.

  5. Optionally, you may want to import the project to IntelliJ, while doing so, please make sure that your "Build & Run" settings are set to use Gradle and not IntelliJ under settings File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle. Also make sure that "Binary class files" is selected under File | Settings | Editor | GUI Designer.

6. Usage Details

You can invoke the design pattern generator by using appropriate options and parameters on the command line or make use of the GUI through the IntelliJ Plugin. Some example usages have been provided for reference below for both.

6.1 CLI

6.1.1 Available commands and usage help

To run the cli from jar file, use: java -jar jdt-dpgen-assembly-0.1.jar -h (shows below usage help)
See cs474-hw1 for jar file.

Usage: jdt-dpgen [-hV] [-c[=<configFile>]] [-a=<artifactId>] [-d=<outputLocation>] [-g=<groupId>] 
                 [-l=<outputLanguage>] COMMAND COMMAND...

Generates GOF design patterns in Java and Scala language.

  -l, --outputLanguage=<outputLanguage>
                                          The output language for the implement.
                                            Candidates: java, scala
                                            Default: java
  -d, --outputLocation=<outputLocation>
                                          The folder/directory location for saving generated
                                            Default: ${sys:user.dir}
  -a, --artifactId=<artifactId>
                                          Unique base name of the primary artifact being
                                            Default: dpgen-output
  -g, --groupId=<groupId>
                                          Unique identifier of the organization or group.
                                            Default: com.gof
  -c, --config[=<configFile>]
                                          Path to input configuration file.
  -h, --help                              Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version                           Print version information and exit.

  singleton...............................Generates Singleton creational design pattern. Ensure
                                            a class only has one instance, and provide a global
                                            point of access to it.
  prototype...............................Generates Prototype creational design pattern. Specify
                                            the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical
                                            instance, and create new objects by copying this
  builder.................................Generates Builder creational design pattern. Separate
                                            the construction of a complex object from its
                                            representation so that the same construction process
                                            can create different representations.
  factorymethod...........................Generates Factory Method creational design pattern.
                                            Define an interface for creating an object, but let
                                            subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
                                            Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to
  abstractfactory.........................Generates Abstract Factory creational design pattern.
                                            Provide an interface for creating families of
                                            related or dependent objects without specifying
                                            their concrete classes.
  adapter.................................Generates Adapter structural design pattern. Convert
                                            the interface of a class into another interface
                                            clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together
                                            that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible
  bridge..................................Generates Bridge structural design pattern. Decouple
                                            an abstraction from its implementation so that the
                                            two can vary independently.
  composite...............................Generates Composite structural design pattern. Compose
                                            objects into tree structures to represent part-whole
                                            hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual
                                            objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
  decorator...............................Generates Decorator structural design pattern. Attach
                                            additional responsibilities to an object
                                            dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible
                                            alternative to sub-classing for extending
  facade..................................Generates Facade structural design pattern. Provide a
                                            unified interface to a set of interfaces in a
                                            subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface
                                            that makes the subsystem easier to use.
  flyweight...............................Generates Flyweight structural design pattern. Use
                                            sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained
                                            objects efficiently.
  proxy...................................Generates Proxy structural design pattern. Provide a
                                            surrogate or placeholder for another object to
                                            control access to it.
  chainofresponsibility...................Generates Chain Of Responsibility behavioral design
                                            pattern. Avoid coupling the sender of a request to
                                            its receiver by giving more than one object a chance
                                            to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects
                                            and pass the request along the chain until an object
                                            handles it.
  command.................................Generates Command behavioral design pattern.
                                            Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting
                                            you parameterize clients with different requests,
                                            queue or log requests, and support undoable
  interpreter.............................Generates Interpreter behavioral design pattern. Given
                                            a language, define a representation for its grammar
                                            along with an interpreter that uses the
                                            representation to interpret sentences in the
  iterator................................Generates Iterator behavioral design pattern. Provide
                                            a way to access the elements of an aggregate object
                                            sequentially without exposing its underlying
  mediator................................Generates Mediator behavioral design pattern. Define
                                            an object that encapsulates how a set of objects
                                            interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by
                                            keeping objects from referring to each other
                                            explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction
  memento.................................Generates Memento behavioral design pattern. Without
                                            violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an
                                            object’s internal state so that the object can be
                                            restored to this state later.
  observer................................Generates Observer behavioral design pattern. Define a
                                            one-to-many dependency between objects so that when
                                            one object changes state, all its dependents are
                                            notified and updated automatically.
  state...................................Generates State behavioral design pattern. Allow an
                                            object to alter its behavior when its internal state
                                            changes. The object will appear to change its class
  strategy................................Generates Strategy behavioral design pattern. Define a
                                            family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make
                                            them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm
                                            vary independently from clients that use it.
  templatemethod..........................Generates Template Method behavioral design pattern.
                                            Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation,
                                            deferring some steps to subclasses. Template Method
                                            lets subclasses redefine certain steps of an
                                            algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure.
  visitor.................................Generates Visitor behavioral design pattern. Represent
                                            an operation to be performed on the elements of an
                                            object structure. Visitor lets you define a new
                                            operation without changing the classes of the
                                            elements on which it operates.

You can also get usage help for specific design pattern subcommand, say the Builder pattern to get what options, parameters are available.

java -jar jdt-dpgen-assembly-0.1.jar builder -h (shows usage help for builder design pattern)

Usage: dpgen builder [BuilderName ConcreteBuilderName ConcreteProductName ConcreteProductProperties]
                     [-hV] [-p=<packageName>]

Generates Builder creational design pattern. Separate the construction of a complex object from its 
representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.

      BuilderName                         The Builder specifies an abstract interface for
                                            creating parts of a Product object.
                                            Default: Builder
      ConcreteBuilderName                 The ConcreteBuilder class constructs and assembles
                                            parts of the product, implementing the Builder
                                            Default: ConcreteBuilder
      ConcreteProductName                 The Product class represents a complex object.
                                            Default: Product
                                            Default: Object,property1;Object,property2
  -p, --packageName=<packageName>
                                            Default: com.gof.creational.builder
  -h, --help                                Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version                             Print version information and exit.

6.1.2 Passing parameters and options to the cli

Notice that each command has default parameters and options already set and will use those in case the user provides none. An example run of builder pattern generator with user provided input was already shown in the Application Design section. However, for non customized implementation, one could also use:


Above we do not provide the cli with BuilderName, ConcreteBuilderName, ConcreteProductName, ConcreteProductProperties parameters however, since the default values are available, they are used instead.

6.1.3 Generating multiple design patterns at once

If more than one design patterns need to be generated within the same package, that can be done by passing them all at once to the cli.


To generate all the design patterns from the jar file use:

dpgen \
    singleton prototype builder factorymethod abstractfactory \
    adapter bridge composite decorator facade flyweight proxy \
    chainofresponsibility command interpreter iterator mediator memento observer state strategy templatemethod visitor

where dpgen is an alias, something like:

alias dpgen="/usr/lib/jvm/java-13/bin/java --enable-preview -jar jdt-dpgen-assembly-0.1.jar"

6.1.4 Running from configuration file

To run from configuration file, use the -c option followed by the path to the configuration file.

java -jar jdt-dpgen-assembly-0.1.jar -c /path/to/configuration-file.conf

If no path is passes, the application tries to use the default internal configuration file.

java -jar jdt-dpgen-assembly-0.1.jar -c

6.2 GUI

6.2.1 Step by step guide

Since the IntelliJ plugin is unpublished, it can't be obtained from the IntelliJ Plugin Marketplace. Instead we use gradle to run the Intellij plugin in a sandbox environment. To do this, change to the cloned repository and use gradle task runIde.

cd cs474-hw2; ./gradlew jdt-dpgen-intellij:runIde


cd cs474-hw2; gradlew jdt-dpgen-intellij:runIde

This should start the sandboxed IntelliJ IDE. Next, we need to create a new Java project. If you are new to the IntelliJ IDE, follow this guide: Create your first Java application . You may also setup the project using Maven or Gradle within the IDE.

plugin-step-1_1.png plugin-step-1_2.png

Next, create a new Java package, here we are using com.gof as an example.


Right-click on the package, and select custom plugin action "DpGenerateAction".


After the above acton, a dialog box will pop-up with the available design pattern creation methods.


You can either select a design patter from the dropdown or use cli command. Here I am using the dropdown which populates a number of pre-filled fields for the selected design pattern. I have customized these fields to replicate the Builder example discussed in section 4.1 above


Click "Ok" to confirm your selection and the design pattern files will be generated. You will also receive a sticky notification on completion and the generated files open up in the editor for further customization/inspection.


6.2.2 Accessing plugin logs and folder

You may access logs by using the Help | Show Log in Files option. More details are available on on this article: Locating IDE log files. Note that by default, IDE logging is set to INFO level. Further, details on getting to the plugin folder are described here: Development Instance Settings, Caches, Logs, and Plugins.

7. Demo

8. References
