Includes a Python package inspire_ha which has modules for controlling an Inspire Home Automation thermostat using their API.
The project also includes inspire_ha_thermostat a Pyscript Home Assistant app which synchronises your Inspire device with a Generic Thermostat climate integration (for details see below).
You will need to create a secrets.yaml
- replace xxxx in the following example - for api_key
user_name: "xxxx"
password: "xxxx"
api_key: "xxxx"
Put your secrets.yaml
in the inspire_ha folder then edit main.yaml
to suit - an example as follows:
cache_secs: 120 # secs to store data (default 60) before refreshing information from inspire API
#api_url: '' # default
#device_name: 'My Thermostat' # if set this must match the Unit Name as specified in Setup on the inspire web site, otherwise it uses the first device available
Use the
module. You should save your secrets.yaml
in the same folder.
To get help:
python -h
To get thermostat status information:
To set thermostat set point to 15.5C:
python -s 15.5
To set thermostat function to 'Boost':
python -f boost
The app synchronises the temperature and set point of your Inspire thermostat with a generic thermostat entity on Home Assistant (HA). If you change the target temperature on the HA generic thermostat then the current set point of your Inspire thermostat will change (as long as it is not in Boost or Off (frost protection) mode).
Similarly changes on your Inspire thermostat (scheduled or manual) will be mirrored on the HA generic thermostat. If the Inspire is in Manual/On mode, then the generic thermostat will effectively control the Inspire thermostat. However if it is in Program mode the generic thermostat will also change according to the Inspire timetabled program.
If your generic thermostat has any preset mode temperatures configured (eg Away, Eco, Sleep), then setting the generic thermostat to that mode will impose this target on the Inspire thermostat. When the preset mode is removed (preset None) the original set point will be restored (Inspire Manual/On mode) or the restored set point will be from the appropriate program segment (Inspire Program mode). You can use this in an HA automation to override the Inspire thermostat program eg when you leave home (see example below).
First set up a Generic Thermostat on Home Assistant (see below)
Note down the ids of the generic thermostat and its underlying heater and target_sensor entities for
substitution in the config.yaml
Next install Pyscript.
Then copy
to the pyscript apps folder
and copy
to the pyscript modules folder.
Configuration of the generic thermostat is via the HA configuration.yaml
- an example as follows:
- platform: generic_thermostat
unique_id: hall_thermostat
name: Hall Thermostat
heater: switch.inspire_switch # use an arbitrary name in the 'switch' domain
target_sensor: sensor.inspire_temperature # use an arbitrary name in the 'sensor' domain
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 25
ac_mode: false
initial_hvac_mode: "heat"
cold_tolerance: 0.5
hot_tolerance: 0.5
precision: 0.5
target_temp: 12 # note this set point is imposed when HA is restarted
away_temp: 10 # optional set point used when in Away mode
Configuration is via the pyscript config.yaml
- an example as follows:
allow_all_imports: true
hass_is_global: false
# the following 3 settings are required
generic_thermostat: 'hall_thermostat' # unique_id of controlling generic thermostat climate platform on home assistant
heater: 'inspire_switch' # entity id of 'heater' state object in switch domain (use switch.entity_id in configuration of generic thermostat)
target_sensor: 'inspire_temperature' # entity id of 'target_sensor' state object in sensor domain (use sensor.entity_id in configuration of generic thermostat)
# the following 3 settings are all optional
setpoint_sensor: 'inspire_setpoint' # entity id of a state object in sensor domain to reflect set point of inspire remote device (it will be created for you)
manual_only: false # default true = only transfer settings from generic thermostat if remote thermostat is in Manual/On mode (not following a program)
poll_cron_mins: '3,8,13,18,23,28,33,38,43,48,53,58' # cron minutes past the hour for polling the remote thermostat - default '*/5'
api_key: !secret inspire_ha_api_key
user_name: !secret inspire_ha_user_name
password: !secret inspire_ha_password
#device_name: # if set this must match the Unit Name as specified in Setup on the inspire web site, otherwise it uses the first device available
#cache_secs: 60 # default secs to store data before refreshing information from inspire API
#api_url: '' # default
You will need to add the following lines to the pyscript secrets.yaml
replacing xxxx (see Pre-requisites above):
inspire_ha_user_name: "xxxx"
inspire_ha_password: "xxxx"
inspire_ha_api_key: "xxxx"
Look in the logs for entries tagged inspire_ha.
Here is an example of an automation to set Away mode when the house is unoccupied (note depends on an away_temp being set in the generic thermostat configuration):
alias: Heating Events Hall Thermostat
description: Sets away mode on/off on hall thermostat when house unoccupied/occupied
mode: single
- entity_id:
- input_select.house_occupied
trigger: state
- if:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.house_occupied
state: Occupied
- data:
preset_mode: none
entity_id: climate.hall_thermostat
action: climate.set_preset_mode
- if:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.house_occupied
state: Unoccupied
- data:
preset_mode: away
entity_id: climate.hall_thermostat
action: climate.set_preset_mode