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Aspecta Staking Contract V1


This contract implements the Aspecta staking contract. Users can stake on their champion devs or projects and earn rewards based on their Build Index. Devs and projects also earn rewards for being staked and maintaining good Build Index.

Setup Environment

  1. Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh
  1. Install Forge (This may take a long time, 30 minutes to 1 hour)
cargo install --git forge --bins --locked
  1. Install the LATEST Node.js LTS
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc  # or ~/.zshrc
nvm ls-remote  # list all available versions
nvm install xxxxxx  # e.g. nvm install v20.14.0
  1. Install Node.js Modules
npm install
  1. Create .env file and configure environment variables, e.g. .env.template

Run Unit Tests

npm run test

Deploy Contract

npm run deploy

Verify Contract

npx hardhat verify --network mainnet PROXY_ADDRESS

Upgrade Contract

You need to modify the existing contract, instead of creating a new contract.

  1. Upgrade the AspectaBuildingPoint contract
npm run upgrade-bp
  1. Upgrade the AspectaDevPool contract
npm run upgrade-bc
  1. Upgrade the AspectaDevPoolFactory contract
npm run upgrade-pf
  1. Upgrade the PoolFactoryGetters contract
npm run upgrade-fg