Make Some Noise is a French organization promoting the arcade rhythm games genre.
We mostly operate in Paris region by organizing free meet-ups where people can come
and enjoy our setups on dedicated controllers, or by being invited at conventions,
mostly anime-related one, where we also let people enjoy our setups for free.
With this website, we also want to help broadcasting information about the games and the community to a wider audience, but also promoting our organization efficiently.
This website is made with the Python web microframework Flask. It uses HTML templates written in Jinja2.
With venv
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
Contributions are welcome. Please don't hesitate to submit PRs if you want to fix stuffs. If you are not sure about adding a feature or adding something, please open an issue first, we are open to discussion.