This repository integrates the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST case study into OpenSBT and is based on the implementation in DeepJanus.
Follow the installation instruction of OpenSBT in the main repository. Install MNIST related dependencies by following the instructions here.
The mutation of digits is performed by selection of control points/vertices of the corresponding svg model of the digit and performing a displacment in x and y direction of that point. The index of the point and extent represent the search parameters of the search based testing problem. Right now, two configs are supported
- 3D Problem. (diplacement_1, displacement_2, index_vertex). Displaces vertex with given index and the following vertex with provided displacement.
- 6D Problem. (diplacement_1, displacement_2, displacement_3, diplacement_4, index_vertex_1, index_vertex_2). Displaces vertex_1 and vertex_2 with provided displacement.
There are multiple fitness functions implemented integrating static image properties (num turns, saturation, etc.).
Example OpenSBT experiments can be found in To run an experiment via console use syntax from OpenSBT:
python -e 1000
To see an example experiment definition without flag based execution check out
Example OpenSBT experiments can be found in To run an experiment via console use syntax from OpenSBT:
python -e 201
To see an example experiment definition without flag based execution check out
Lev Sorokin (