The bundle-app-ui is a cross-platform Java swing application for resource-bundle management. The initial intention was to show the features of the library bundle-management.
This application does not need a database but an rest server have to be running on localhost on port 8080 from project bundle-management.
- Creation of bundle application
- Overview of all created bundle applications
- Import resourcebundles of an existing project to a new bundle application
- Import single files of resourcebundles
You can build it from the source files by clone this git repository. It is a gradle project so you will need gradle and a JDK.
The source code comes under the liberal MIT License.
The source code for bundle-app-ui are on GitHub. Please feel free to fork and send pull requests!
Create your own fork of astrapi69/bundle-app-ui/fork
To share your changes, submit a pull request.
Don't forget to add new units tests on your changes.
Do not hesitate to contact the bundle-app-ui developers with your questions, concerns, comments, bug reports, or feature requests.
- Feature requests, questions and bug reports can be reported at the issues page.
No animals were harmed in the making of this application.
If you like this application, please consider a donation through