Project that holds utilities for get the stacktrace as string from java throwable objects and can decorate checked exceptions and transform them to unchecked exceptions
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- Transform stacktrace object from Throwable(Exceptions, Errors) to String object
- Transform checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions
- Transform checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions in streams
The source code comes under the liberal MIT License, making throwable great for all types of applications.
Replace the variable ${latestVersion} with the current latest version:
You can first define the version in the ext section and add than the following gradle dependency to
your project build.gradle
if you want to import the core functionality of throwable:
define version in file
or in build.gradle ext area
throwableVersion = "${latestVersion}"
and then add the dependency to the dependencies area
If you use the new libs.versions.toml file for new automatic catalog versions update
throwable = { module = "io.github.astrapi69:throwable", version.ref = "throwable-version" }
then add the dependency to the dependencies area
implementation libs.throwable
Add the following maven dependency to your project pom.xml
if you want to import the core
functionality of throwable:
Than you can add the dependency to your dependencies:
<!-- THROW-ABLE version -->
You can decorate a method that throws a checked exceptions with the class RuntimeExceptionDecorator
public final class FileFactory
public static FileCreationState newFile(final File file) throws IOException
FileCreationState fileCreationState = FileCreationState.ALREADY_EXISTS;
if (!file.exists())
fileCreationState = FileCreationState.FAILED;
if (file.createNewFile())
fileCreationState = FileCreationState.CREATED;
return fileCreationState;
public static FileCreationState createFile(final File file)
return RuntimeExceptionDecorator.decorate(()-> newFile(file));
The above example shows the method FileFactory#newFile that throws a checked IOExceptions. The method FileFactory#createFile decorates the method FileFactory#newFile with the method decorate of the utility class RuntimeExceptionDecorator and do not have to declare a throw clause in the method signature. Note: the method FileFactory#createFile returns a FileCreationState object
public final class CopyFileExtensions
public static void copyFiles(final List<File> sources, final File destination,
final Charset sourceEncoding, final Charset destinationEncoding, final boolean lastModified)
if (!destination.exists())
} -> {
File destinationFile = new File(destination, file.getName());
CopyFileExtensions.copyFile(file, destinationFile, sourceEncoding, destinationEncoding,
The method RuntimeExceptionDecorator#decorate is overloaded, so you can use it also for streams as you can see in the above example. This is provided with the inteface ThrowableConsumer that is a FunctionalInterface.
The source code for throwable are on GitHub. Please feel free to fork and send pull requests!
Create your own fork of astrapi69/throwable/fork
To share your changes, submit a pull request.
Don't forget to add new units tests on your changes.
Do not hesitate to contact the throwable developers with your questions, concerns, comments, bug reports, or feature requests.
- Feature requests, questions and bug reports can be reported at the issues page.
No animals were harmed in the making of this library.
This project is kept as an open source product and relies on contributions to remain being developed. If you like this library, please consider a donation
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