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UCLGuichard edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 11 revisions

Here are the steps I followed in my attempts to install sopt and purify on various machines and OSes. They shouldn't be taken as strict guidelines but more as indications of what has worked or not.

On a Ubuntu Xenial VM:

  1. apt-get install cmake
  2. apt-get install fftw3
  3. apt-get install libtiff5
  4. apt-get install mpi
  5. apt-get install libeigen3-dev
  6. apt-get install libspdlog-dev
  7. Install cfitsio:
    1. cd /usr/local/src/
    2. wget -O cfitsio3270.tar.gz
    3. tar zxvf cfitsio3270.tar.gz
    4. cd cfitsio
    5. ./configure --prefix=/usr
    6. make
    7. make install
    8. make clean
  8. apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev
  9. apt-get install libccfits-dev
  10. Added these lines at the top of the CMakeLists.txt
    1. set(FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
    2. set(FFTW3_LIBRARIES "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu”)
    3. set(MPI_C_LIBRARIES "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
    4. set(MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
    5. set(MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
    6. set(MPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu”)
  11. apt-get install libboost-dev

Install on ArchLinux VM

  1. pacman -Sy cmake
  2. pacman -Sy make
  3. pacman -Sy emacs
  4. pacman -Sy git
  5. pacman -Sy pkgconfig
  6. pacman -Sy gcc
  7. pacman -Sy libtiff
  8. pacman -Sy boost
  9. pacman -Sy eigen
  10. pacman -Sy fftw
  11. pacman -Sy llvm
  12. pacman -Sy openmpi
  13. pacman -Sy cfitsio
  14. pacman -Sy ccfits
  15. pacman -Sy yaml-cpp

Natively on OSX

Reinstall OSX

  1. brew install make
  2. brew install gcc
  3. brew install libtiff
  4. brew install open-mpi
  5. brew install ccfits
  6. brew install boots
  7. brew install spdlog
  8. pip install casacore
  9. Create BICO
  10. git clone sopt from astro-informatics
  11. git clone GreatCMakeCookOff and make changes below
  12. Build sopt
  13. git clone purify from astro-informatics

For working on purify benchmarks only

  1. In GreatCMakeCookOff/modules/LookUpGBenchmark.cmake change:
  2. In purify/CMakeLists.txt set the following:
    1. option(tests “Enable testing” off)
    2. option(examples “Compile examples” off)
    3. option(benchmarks “Enable benchmarking” on)
    4. option(data “Download measurement set for testing” off)
    5. option(openmp “Enable OpenMP” on)
    6. option(logging “Enable logging” on)
    7. option(dompi “Enable MPI” on)
    8. option(doaf “Enable ArrayFire” off)
    9. option(docasa “Enable CASA” on)