Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a data science student at Thiagarajar College of Engineering.
- Languages: Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript, Python
- Frameworks & Libraries: TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy
- Tools: Git, MySQL, Tableau, Power BI, Wireshark
- Other: Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Data Analysis, Web Development
- Urban Heat Island Analysis - Using satellite data and temperature maps to analyze urban heat islands in Chennai, aiming to provide climate solutions.
- Traffic Management System - A Java-based system for managing traffic violations and vehicle details, featuring a colorful and interactive dashboard.
- Exploring Reinforcement Learning (Q-learning) and Social Media Influence.
- Studying Business Intelligence for applications like food price monitoring and urban planning.
- Presented a paper on "Correlation-Driven Predictive Analysis of Air Quality" at the International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Simulation, and Nonlinear Dynamics - 2024.
- Presented a paper on "Impact of Peer Learning on Math Proficiency: A Latent Class Analysis" at the Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics - 2024.
- Completed various online courses including Machine Learning A-Z and MySQL.
- Participated in several hackathons, including the MH2023, iTech Hackathon, and WiDS Datathon 2024.
Feel free to explore my repositories and get in touch with me for any collaboration or inquiries! π