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This GitHub will be dedicated to organizing the efforts made by students learning biological scripting to analyzing real datasets for a class group project.

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This GitHub will be dedicated to organizing the efforts made by students learning biological scripting to analyzing real datasets for a class group project. Raw read data can be found in the following directory in scratch and in the shared box folder: /scratch/AU_BIOL-7180_GrpProject/samples_Salmonella_muenster


Salmonella Gram-Negative BacilliSalmonella Gram-Negative Bacilli

Reference Genomes and Assemblies Used

  1. Traditional NCBI Refernce: Salmonella enterica CVM N51250 v1.0 (SER) Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Muenster (enterobacteria)
  2. Ray Assembly of WT-2012 (scaffolds): SER_ray
  3. Ray Assembly of WT-2012 (contig): SER_rayc
  4. SPAdes Assembly of WT-2012: SER_spades
Reference Genome Assembly Size
Salmonella enterica CVM N51250 v1.0 4.7 Mbp
SER_ray 4.8 Mbp
SER_rayc 4.8 Mbp
SER_spades 4.8 Mbp

General Workflow

  1. Obtain raw reads using SRA Toolkit fastqDump.

  2. FastQC was utilized for basic quality control metrics of raw MiSeq sequencing data.See Resulting Output

  3. Analyzed data for trimming (Step skipped)

  4. BWA for aligining reads to reference genomes and assemblies. BWA was used to do the following:

    a. Create an index for the reference genomes (script 4)

    b. Align the samples we have to both reference genomes (script 5) INPUT FILE: .fastq.gz OUTPUT FILE: .aln.sam

    c. Convert the aligned files to an extension the BWA could use to sort and merge files based on reference genome aligned to (script 6) INPUT FILE: .aln.sam OUTPUT FILE: .sorted.merged.bam

  5. Generate phylogeny of samples using CSIPhylogeny. Tree edit with Mega X. SNP Sample Phylogeny

SNP Analysis from Vcf files

Mutect2 is a vcf generating somatic variant caller. HaplotypeCaller is a took of GATK that calls variands by default with diploid ploidy, but can have ploidy specifed. And FreeBayes is a variant caller commonly ustilized for varaint calling in haploid samples. Here, we opted to do a comparision of the variant calling quality for these three popular variant calling tools. Summary stats of the vcf files genertaed using bcftools stats and plot-vcfstats. The stats are represented below.

Supplementary code to generate stats file(s):

module load bcftools
module load samtools

#Run bcftools stats to genertae stats on vcf file to be used in python to genrate plot. This is the input for plot-vcfstats
bcftools stats WT_2012_ref_assemblyc.unfiltered.vcf > ./plot_aw/WT_2012_ref_assemblyc.unfiltered.vchk

#Run plot-vcfstats under bcftools. Be sure to have python3-matplotlib installed as this is a dependency.
##For matplotlib run : sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
plot-vcfstats WT_2012_ref_assemblyc.unfiltered.vchk -p ./unflit_assembly_plot/ 

Files Generated By plot-vcfstats:

counts_by_af.indels.dat  depth.0.dat  depth.0.png   indels.0.pdf  plot-vcfstats.log  substitutions.0.pdf  tstv_by_af.0.dat    tstv_by_qual.0.pdf
counts_by_af.snps.dat    depth.0.pdf  indels.0.dat  indels.0.png            substitutions.0.png  tstv_by_qual.0.dat  tstv_by_qual.0.png

Run python3 on script:

#Use python3 to plot data generated in script and produce png graph files.
Reference indels snps transitions transversions mnp1 other mas2 ts/tv3 Variant Caller
Salmonella enterica CVM N51250 v1.0 49 2017 1073 944 436 9 0 1.136653 FreeBayes
WT_2012_Ray_Scaffold 18 1367 434 933 77 5 9 0.465166 FreeBayes
WT_2012_Ray_Contigs 18 1351 437 914 77 5 9 0.478118 FreeBayes
Salmonella enterica CVM N51250 v1.0 239 1966 1221 745 0 7828 2007 1.638926 HaplotypeCaller
WT_2012_Ray_Scaffold 27 553 140 413 0 5467 467 0.338983 HaplotypeCaller
WT_2012_Ray_Contigs 24 553 139 414 0 5442 466 0.335749 HaplotypeCaller
WT_2012_Ray_Contigs 614 1062 448 614 53 0 10 0.729642 Mutect2
Table-1 Notes

1-Multi Nucleotide Polymorphism (mnp)

2-Multiallelic sites (mas)

3-Transition to transversion raio (ts/tv)

Rplots of SNPs Detected

Example Script for generating R plots

p1<-ggplot(data=INSERT_DATAFILE_HERE, aes(x=Reference, y=other)) + geom_bar(stat="identity",  width=0.5, fill="black")+ coord_flip()
p2<-ggplot(data=INSERT_DATAFILE_HERE, aes(x=Reference, y=other)) + geom_bar(stat="identity",  width=0.5, fill="black")+ coord_flip()+ ylim(NA, 40)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p7, top= "INSERT_TITLE_HERE")
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p6, top= "INSERT_TITLE_HERE")

SNPs and Indels Detected Using FreeBayes and Mutect2 SNPs and Indels Detected Using HaplotypeCaller and Mutect2
Transitions and Transversions Detected Using FreeBayes and Mutect2 Transitions and Transversions Detected Using HaplotypeCaller and Mutect2
Other SNPS Detected Using FreeBayes and Mutect2 Other SNPs Detected Using HaplotypeCaller and Mutect2

fastq2vcf tool

Within the TestFile directory and on the main GitHub page is the script which can be run in the ASC and submitted to the queue system. This script is an automated version of our pipeline and will perform all steps with the exception of trimming fastq files. The script is designed to download fastq files using SRA toolkit's fastq-dump will ultimately gernerate files needed for viewing data on the Integrative Genome Viewer (IGV), VCF files based on user input for ploidy, and stats files of the VCF (ends in .vchk). All files except index files, dictionary files, and other reference file dependent files are organized into directories as part of a final cleanup step. Within the script, users must define thre variables, "ref=", "input_file=", and "ploidy=". Please note this is a skeleton script and users have the ability to edit tool arguments to best fir their data. The .log file generated displays the timings of when each step of the pipeline was completed.

Note: No space should be added between the "=" and user information.

User-Defined Variables

ref= basename of fasta file (Example: for Salmonella.fasta, put Salmonella)

input_file= name of file with list of SRR number to be downloaded with fastq-dump (Example: sample_list.txt)

ploidy= ploidy of organism from samples (Example: for Salmonella.fasta, put 1)

Note about ploidy- If the defined ploidy =1, FreeBayes will be called. Any other ploidy will call HaplotypeCaller.

Sample datasets are provided in the TestFile folder.

IMPORTANT To download an entire set of reads from the SRA, remove the -X # argument. The script's runtime may increase as a result.

Salmonella.fasta (haploid)

sample_list.txt (haploid-Bacterial isolates from this project)

covid-19_MT039887.1.fasta (Negative control)

sample_list2.txt (diploid-Human)









Authors are listed below.

Ashley Williams (email:

Shelby Osburn (email:

Steven Kitchens (email:


This GitHub will be dedicated to organizing the efforts made by students learning biological scripting to analyzing real datasets for a class group project.






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