- 🏗️ DotsDotNvim (dots.nvim)
- 👋 Introduction
- Wow, a really good place to put:
⚠️ DISCLAIMER!⚠️ - 🤨 Crash course: Installing
- ⚡ Performance
- 😰 Quitting Nvim.
- Inspirations / Credits
My personal Neovim configuration
This is my personal Neovim configuration. You can yank/put but you can only yank/put ONLY what you know!
Here's some DISCLAIMERS!
- If want to exit Neovim, just plug out your computer (or for laptop users... :) You don't want to). I meant, that'll never work.
Programs | The why |
nvim |
because, yes. |
fd |
for Telescope.nvim |
rg |
for Telescope.nvim |
sqlite3 |
for sqlite.lua |
gcc |
For Tressitter |
git |
For Tressitter |
npm |
for LSP servers written in Javascript |
cargo |
For LSPs written in Rust. |
go |
For LSPs writte in Go. |
Other Dependencies:
:checkhealth mason
To install this configuration, you need a Neovim build. You can use your favorite package manager or, Install from source. Then clone this repository.
Install requires Neovim 0.10 (Latest nightly). Always review the code before installing a configuration.
Operation | Command |
Installation | git clone https://github.com/asyncedd/dots.nvim ~/.config/dots.nvim NVIM_APPNAME=dots.nvim/ nvim --headless +"Lazy! sync" +qa |
Open | NVIM_APPNAME=dots.nvim/ nvim |
Then it should bootstrap lazy.nvim 💤.
Then you can get a cup of mocha ☕ while
you wait. (Not that long btw) Then once it finished, you're done for! (actually)
Just run a nvim
in your terminal :D
With newer versions of this dotfiles, I'm removing mason.nvim
. Use your package manager to install them.
Expand to see more!
Language | Name |
C/C++ |
clang |
prettierd |
Haskell |
Haskell-language-server (HLS) |
Lua |
LuaLS, Stylua |
Markdown |
Marksman, prettierd |
Rust |
Rust analyzer, RustFMT |
Svelte |
Svelte language server, prettierd, Emmet-LS, TailwindCSS-language-server |
Taplo |
You're stuck here forever! Muahahahah! You fell RIGHT into my trap! There's no way out! >:D
Most parts of this configuration is either mine or it's from some configuration I forgot to credit.
If you fell victim to this "asyncedd"'s barbaric actions and feel that you deserve to be more credited, feel free to open an issue.
Repo | Why? |
NvChad | For some various "systemaitic stuff" lets say, and some plugins configurations, kudos to them! |
LazyVim | For a big portion of the configuration, lazy-loading, plugins configurations, etc... Kudos to them! |
Oli's dotfiles | I stole the whole heirline configuration from him |
Some of this README was generated by Dotfyle