live_demo How to make Extraction Dependency Based on Evolutionary Requirement Using Natural Language Processing, berikut ini penjelasan singkat data yang telah dibuat. Extraction Dependency Based on Evolutionary Requirement Using Natural Language Processing described in our Proceeding Conference at ISRITI2020. Please kindly cite the following paper when you use this tool. It would also be appreciated if you send me a courtesy website and google scholar, so I could survey what kind of tasks the tool is used for.
Developed by Asyrofi (c) 2021
installation using pypi:
pip install extractreq
from extractreq.modul_ekspart import partOf
grd_param = "grd.xlsx"
file_param = "test.xlsx"
srs_param = "indeks_parameter"
# output_mode = ['pertama', 'kedua', 'ketiga', 'stat']
partOf().extractPart(grd_param, file_param, srs_param, 'pertama')
check out my video explanation
from extractreq.modul_stanfordSent import stanford_clause
sent = "I have friends, but nobody cares me"
# stanford_clause(file_param).main(srs_param)
from extractreq.modul_spacySent import spacyClause, spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc = nlp("I love you 300, but I don't like you")
# spacyClause(file_param).main(srs_param)
from extractreq.modul_triplet import extractNlp
sent = "I have friends, but nobody cares me"
# output_mode = ['parse_tree', 'spo', 'result']
extractNlp().triplet_extraction(sent, 'parse_tree')
# extractNlp(file_param).main(srs_param, output)
- Dapat digunakan untuk mengekstraksi kebergantungan kebutuhan
- Dapat digunakan untuk mencari relasi kebergantungan kebutuhan
- Dapat digunakan memisahkan kalusa dari setiap kalimat menggunakan stanford, spacy
- Dapat memisahkan triplet dari sebua kalimat
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@INPROCEEDINGS{9315489, author={Asyrofi, Rakha and Siahaan, Daniel Oranova and Priyadi, Yudi},
booktitle={2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)},
title={Extraction Dependency Based on Evolutionary Requirement Using Natural Language Processing},
The project is licensed under the MIT License