.Net 6 Distributed Transaction Sample with MassTransit, RabbitMQ, OutboxPattern, Identity, Service Discovery/Registry, Gateway and more.
- Onion Architecture
- Mediator (MediatR)
- EF Core (PostgreSQL)
- Dapper
- MongoDB
- MassTransit, RabbitMQ
- Outbox Pattern
- Identity
- Authentication
- Role based Authorization
- Distributed Cache (Redis)
- Distributed Lock (Redis - Redlock)
- Service Discovery/Registry (Consul)
- Gateway (Ocelot)
- Serilog (File, Console, ElasticSearch)
- Api Versioning
- Http Client
- FluentValidation
- AutoMapper
- Repository, Unit of Work Pattern
- Polly
- To run RabbitMQ, Consul, Postgres, Redis, PgAdmin, ElasticSearch, Kibana as a container. Follow this command on Console
docker-compose up -d
- To apply migrations follow this command on Package Manager Console for Order-Stock-Payment-User Microservices. (Set starting project to API and set default project to Infrastructure on Package Manager Console)
- Microservices are not using default RabbitMQ user. Create a RabbitMQ user with following credentials. "admin" and "sa1234" .
If you want to create a different user then make sure to change appsettings too.
- Get a Token from User API (over Gateway) for authn, authz.
- Default Gateway Endpoint to Get Token: http://localhost:5291/v1/Authentication/CreateToken
- Default Endpoint to get token: http://localhost:5099/api/Authentication/CreateToken
Admin user credentials are "admin@test.com" and "admin_12345.".
- Place an order.
- Default Gateway Endpoint to Place Order: http://localhost:5291/v1/Orders/PlaceOrder
- Default Endpoint to Place Order: http://localhost:5091/api/v1/Orders/PlaceOrder
Dont forget to add Authorization key to Headers.
- Rule Engine (.Net Rules Engine)
- Distributed Tracing (OpenTelemetry, Jaeger)
- Healthcheck
- Gateway Logging
- Dockerize
- Unit Tests
- Bugfix (Enabling DbContextHandler)