Extract regions of the cells from binary image(2D or 3D) and coordinates of the cells
MATLAB R2019a or later
Two data files are needed, binary image (as tif file) and cordinate information of the cells (as csv file) for input data.
In csv file, only columns 6 to 8 (6 to 7 for 2D image) are used. Cordinate information must be there.
I recommend using the U-Net segmentation of ImageJ plugin (https://lmb.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/resources/opensource/unet/) to get the binary image.
I recommend using ImageJ point tool ROI and Measure command (or U-Net detection of Fiji plugin) to get the cordinate information of the cells.
二画像の取得にはImageJ pluginのU-Netの使用を勧める。また、細胞の座標情報の取得にはImageJのPoint ROI tool と Measureコマンドを勧める。
Open "Cell_Splitter.m" and set the parameters ,run the code (F5 or RUN). Select the binary image (tif file).
Image must be the 8 or 16 bit grascale tif image. You can use binary stack tif image for 3D input.
You can use the "demo_image_2D.tif" and "Results.csv" for demos.
"demo_image_2D.tif" と"Results.csv"をデモとして使用できる。
imageJで読み込んで、LookUp tableを「Fire」に変えるとわかりやすいです。
Takehiro Ajioka
Division of System Neuroscience, Kobe University of Graduate School of Medicine