This project extends the ValloPlus 350 ventilation system with a microcontroller in order to provide a smart remote control interface. It provides a HTTP based interface to control the fan-speed and to toggle the Bypass mode. The interface can be easily embedded in a smart home control setup like Home Assistant.
- ESP32 Development Board WiFi+Bluetooth Ultra-Low Power Consumption Dual Cores ESP-32 ESP-32S Board link
- PWM to Voltage Converter Module 0%-100% to 0-10V for PLC MCU Digital to Analog Signal PWM Adjustabl Converter Power Module link
- AZDelivery 220V to 3,3V Mini Power Supply link
- AZDelivery Relais 5V KY-019 Modul link
- AZDelivery 220V to 12V Mini Power Supply link
mos build --platform esp32 --local
mos flash
curl -X POST -d '{}' http://IP_ADDR/rpc/Ventl.GetState
power: 'on',
step: 2,
bypass: 'off',
Step range 0-8. 0 turns power into off
curl -d '{ "step": 1 }' http://IP_ADDR/rpc/Ventl.Set
curl -d '{}' http://IP_ADDR/rpc/Bypass.Toggle
curl -v -F file=@build/ http://IP_ADDR/update