This repository contains common libraries for .NET. Detailed information for each repository can be found below.
Project | Target Framework | Description | Docs | Nuget Download Link |
Atc | netstandard2.1 net8.0 | Atc is a collection of classes and extension methods for common functionality. | References References extended |
Atc.CodeAnalysis.CSharp | net8.0 | Atc.CodeAnalysis.CSharp is a collection of classes and extension methods for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp. | References References extended |
Atc.CodeDocumentation | net8.0 | Atc.CodeDocumentation is a markdown generator for source code. | References References extended |
Atc.Console.Spectre | net8.0 | Atc.Console.Spectre is a collection of classes and extension methods for Spectre.Console. | References References extended |
Atc.DotNet | net8.0 | Atc.DotNet is a collection of classes and extension methods for dotnet.exe. | References References extended |
Atc.OpenApi | net8.0 | Atc.OpenApi is a collection of classes and extension methods for Microsoft.OpenApi. | References References extended |
Atc.Rest | net8.0 | Atc.Rest is a basic collection of classes and extension methods for ASP.NET Core WebApi. | References References extended |
Atc.Rest.Extended | net8.0 | Atc.Rest.Extended is a collection of classes and extension methods for Atc.Rest, that contains SwaggerUI, FluentValidation Versioning etc. | References References extended |
Atc.Rest.FluentAssertions | net8.0 | Atc.Rest.FluentAssertions is a collection of assertion helpers for writing tests of Atc types. | References References extended |
Atc.Rest.HealthChecks | net8.0 | Atc.Rest.FluentAssertions is a collection of assertion helpers for writing tests of Atc types. | References References extended |
Atc.XUnit | net8.0 | Atc.XUnit is a collection of helper method for code compliance of documentation and tests. | References References extended |