(I'm creating user snippets in vscode but you can perform similar steps for other editor also).
- Opne vscode settings
- Select user snippets
- Select new global snippets file (If you want to use it globally)
- Enter name of your file
- Go to website 'snippet-generator.app'
- Select language as Description(Write name of language)
- Select name of snippets as Tab Trigger. (***)
- Enter your code.
- Copy code from 'copy snippet' button.
- Come back to vscode , now delete everything except first semicolon({})
- Paste and save the snippets.
- Now u can easly use you snippets as (***).
Note - Move your script into the usr/local/bin folder
alias c='clear'
function run() {
python3 ~/../../usr/local/bin/./test.py $1
function cf(){
cd cp/codeforces
~/../../usr/local/bin/codeforces.sh $1 $2 $3
cd $1
This is use for download test cases from codeforces and compare with your output with actual output. If both are equal then it' will show accepted otherwise it will show wrong answer promte.
alias for test.py is run and argument req is 'name_of_your_file'.cpp
You don't need to write .cpp
ex. run name_of_your_file
I have declare alias of test.py as
This is used for create a new folder where it create as file and echo link for all problem into the file corresponding file.
total 3 arguments req
- Name of folder
- link of codeforces contest
- no of file you want to create (by default it is 4). ex. cf div2-635 1337 5
- python3
- g++
- beautiful soup
- cprint