Languages and Machines: An Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science (3rd Edition) Amazon
Download, then navigate to the main folder by:
cd ~/Formal-Language-Algorithms/Main
Then compile:
Then to run:
The Help section in the from the shell program:
:help - to display this
:quit OR :q OR CTRL + D OR CRTL + C - to quit
:ls <ARG> - to list the current files in dir
:vim <FILE> - to edit a file using vim
:cat <FILE> - displays a file
These are all the algorithms, anything in <ARGUMENT> brackets are the arguments
alg4_1 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --remove recursive start symbol -Page 105
alg4_2 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --remove lambda rules -Page 108
alg4_3 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --remove chain rules -Page 114
alg4_4_2 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --generate rules that derive terminals -Page 117
alg4_4_4 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --remove un-reachable rules -Page 119
alg4_5 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --convert to Chomsky Normal Form -Page 122
alg4_6 <grammar pathIn> <pdf pathOut> <string> --CYK algorithm -Page 126
alg4_7 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --removable of direct left recursion -Page 129
alg4_8 <grammar pathIn> <grammer pathOut> --convert to Greibach Normal Form -Page 132
alg5_6 <FA pathIn> <FA pathOut> --remove non-determinism -Page 172
alg5_7 <FA pathIn> <FA pathOut> --determine equivalent states -Page 179
alg6_2 <FA pathIn> <FA pathOut> --finite state to regular expression -Page 194
Also there are some built in grammars and finite states in: