This application allows users to create an account, fund their account, send money to another user, and check their account balance and transaction history.
User Authentication Users are authenticated and validated using JWT web token. Generating tokens on signup and login ensures API endpoints are protected.
- Create an account
- Fund their account
- Securely send money from their account to the account of another user
- Check their account balance and transactions
You can access the app on render at BankAPI
Alternatively, You may clone the repository and run the app locally to use.
- Clone the repository
- git clone
- Navigate to the project directory cd bank-api
- Install the dependencies using yarn install
- Rename .env.sample to .env and add the required Database information.
- Run npm start to start the application.
- The app will start on your local server.
- Run tests with: npm test
The application will start on http://localhost:4000
by default.
Creates a new user account.
(string): Required. The first name of the user.lastName
(string): Required. The last name of the
(string): Required. The email address of the user.password
(string): Required. The password of the user. Must be at least 6 characters long.
(string): The JWT token to be used for authentication.user
(object): The newly created user object.
Logs in a user.
(string): Required. The email address of the user.password
(string): Required. The password of the user.
(string): The JWT token to be used for authentication.user
(object): The user object.
Gets the current user.
(object): The current user object.
Gets the balance of the current user.
(number): The current user's balance.
Gets the transactions of the current user.
(number): Optional. The page number to retrieve. Defaults to 1.limit
(number): Optional. The number of transactions to retrieve per page. Defaults to 10.
(array): An array of transaction
(number): The total number of transactions.totalPages
(number): The total number of pages.currentPage
(number): The current page number.
Funds the current user's account.
(number): Required. The amount to fund the account with.
(object): The updated user object.
Transfers money from the current user's account to another user's account.
(number): Required. The ID of the recipient user.amount
(number): Required. The amount to transfer.
(object): The updated sender user object.recipient
(object): The updated recipient user object.
The API uses HTTP status codes to indicate the status of a request. The following HTTP status codes may be returned:
- 200 OK: The request was successful.
- 201 Created: The resource was created successfully.
- 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid or could not be understood by the server.
Fork this repositry to your account.
Clone your repositry: git clone
Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/feature-id/<3-4 word feature description>
Commit your changes: git commit -m "feature(scope): (subject) (body) (footer)"
Push to the remote branch: git push origin new-feature
Open a pull request.
Note this project uses javascript ES6 and Airbnb style guide
- Commit Message Convention
scope should be something specific to the commit change e.g logo
subject text should:
- use present tense: "save" not "saved" or "saving"
- not capitalize first letter i.e no "Carry to safety"
- not end with a dot (.)
Message body (optional) If a body is to be written, it should:
- written in present tense.
- include reason for change and difference in the previous behaviour
Message Footer This should be used for referencing the issues using the following keywords: Start, Delivers, Fixes and Finishes. It should be written as:
- [Start #345]
This project is authored by Philips Blessing and is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the MIT license.