A easy to use CLI written in golang which is intended to automate all the processes around Sonatype Nexus 3 Repository Manager. The CLI is built using
Package go-nxrm-lib implements functions to call Nexus repository manager 3 and provision resources in nexus using the Integration API of nexus (scripts API)
Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well as a program to generate applications and command files.
- Add, List, Update, Delete Scripts
- Create, List and Delete Hosted, Proxy and group repositories in Nexus
- Add or Remove members to/from an existing group repository
- Create, List, Update and Delete Content selectors
- Create, List, Update and Delete repository content selector privileges
- Create, List, Update and Delete roles
- Add or Remove role members or privileges to/from an existing role
# From the root of the repository
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
# From the directory containing the main.go file
go get ./...
go build
For building the cli for multiple distributions checkout mitchellh/gox
./nexus3-repository-cli configure --nexus-url http://localhost:8081 --username admin --password admin
2019/08/12 21:43:28 Connection details were stored successfully in the file ./nexus3-repository-cli.json
The connection details are saved in a file parallel to the CLI. Once you are done with your commands make sure to delete the credentials.
./nexus3-repository-cli repo create --name Releases --type hosted --format maven --releases
2019/08/12 21:45:40 Repository "Releases" was created in nexus
./nexus3-repository-cli role list
2019/08/12 21:46:38 Number of roles in nexus : 2
./nexus3-repository-cli role list --id nx-admin
Role Details:
ID: nx-admin
Description: Administrator Role
Source: default
Roles: []
Privileges: [nx-all]
./nexus3-repository-cli -h
CLI to interacts with Nexus repository Manager 3
via its API to administer the instance and to create nxrm components
nexus3-repository-cli [command]
Available Commands:
configure Set nexus connection details
scripts Nexus script operations
repo Nexus repository operations
selector Nexus content selector operations
privilege Nexus privilege operations
role Nexus role operations
help Help about any command
-d, --debug Set Default for more information on the nexus script execution
-h, --help help for nexus3-repository-cli
-k, --skip-tls Skip TLS verification for the nexus server instance
-v, --verbose Set Verbose for detailed http request and response logs
Use "nexus3-repository-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.