This Project is Java Maven based ETL, which can be easily integrated to any product. It is a complete package for multi-threaded ETL--It contains code, that can consume messages from distributed Apache Kafka servers parallelly; Secondly, it has easily adaptable Hibernate interface for database operation; Additionally, It is also configured with Spring, to easily access and manage objects across the application--This project makes use of Apache Kafka for data handling. Also, it also has a producer code for data generation, which can be easily attached to data sources.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need Ubuntu or any unix based machine to run this project
Update your system to the latest available version in the repository
$ sudo apt-get update
Apache Kafka requires java runtime environment, install it using apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
Kafka servers depend on zookeeper to coordinate, and we will use Apache zookeeper, which is an open source service used to manage information among distributed servers. Install zookeeper using apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install zookeeperd
After installing, it will run automatically listening on port 2181, to test it run:
$ telnet localhost 2181
At the prompt type 'ruok' and if it returns 'imok' then everything is working well.
Optionally, to check the zookeeper status use the following command
$ sudo systemctl status zookeeper
if zookeeper is not running, use the following command to activate the zookeeper
$ sudo systemctl enable zookeeper
Navigate to ~/Downloads/ directory to download Kafka binaries
$ cd ~/Downloads
Download Kafka 2.0 using wget
$ wget
Now create a directory Kafka in the /opt directory
$ sudo mkdir /opt/Kafka
Extract Kafka binaries to /opt/kafka directory
$ sudo tar xvzf kafka_2.11-2.0.0.tgz -C /opt/Kafka
To view, the kafka Path use the following command
$ ls /opt/Kafka
To add Kafka path to the system path, open /etc/profile using nano
$ sudo nano /etc/profile
Add the following lines to the end of the file, and then press ctrl+o to save and then press ctrl+x to exit
export KAFKA_PATH="/opt/Kafka/kafka_2.11-2.0.0"
export PATH="$PATH:${KAFKA_PATH}/bin"
Finally, reboot your system
$ sudo reboot
After the system starts, make a link to the Kafka file where configurations for the Kafka server are stored
$ sudo -i ln -s $KAFKA_PATH/config/ /etc/
Finally to run kafka server run the following command
$ sudo -i /etc/
To test Apache kafka, open a new terminal tab and create a test topic using the following command
$ sudo -i --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic testTopic --partitions 1
Now to publish messages, use the follwing command. After running the command an arrow(>) will appear
$ sudo -i --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic testTopic
To Consume messages, Open a new terminal tab and use the following command
$ sudo -i --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic testTopic --from-beginning
Now type 'Hello' on the producer Terminal tab and you will also be able to see it on the consumer terminal tab.
Install PostgreSQL using apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Creat user for etl
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive --pwprompt
Enter name of role to add: etluser
Enter password for new role:etluser
Enter it again:etluser
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Create Database under etl user
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O etluser etldb
Add the same user to your Unix system
$ sudo adduser etluser
Login to etldb using user etluser
$ sudo -u etluser psql etldb
A prompt(etldb=#) will appear, create the following tables
equip_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
type varchar (50) ,
name varchar (50) ,
role varchar (50) ,
id INT );
equip_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name varchar (50) ,
role varchar (50) ,
id INT,
age INT
To check the schemas, use the following command at the prompt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | activity | table | etluser
public | login | table | etluser
(2 rows)
Open a new terminal and run:
$ sudo apt-get install maven
To clone this project use git
$ git clone
To build Producer with maven navigate to Producer.
$ cd ETL/Producer/
Now build the project with maven
$ mvn package
Run the producer jar to genrate and send log to kafka servers
$ java -jar target/Producer.jar
Following is the sample of log generated and sent to kafka servers
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.249","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name101\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":101,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.249","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name102\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":102,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.25","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name103\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":103,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.25","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name104\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":104,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.25","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name105\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":105,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.251","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name106\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":106,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.251","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name107\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":107,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.251","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name108\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":108,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.252","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name109\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":109,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.252","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name110\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":110,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.252","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name111\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":111,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.253","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name112\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":112,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.253","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name113\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":113,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.253","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name114\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":114,\"age\":50}"}
{"time":"2018-09-15 10:25:02.254","type":"delete","Person":"{\"name\":\"Name115\",\"role\":\"user\",\"id\":115,\"age\":50}"}
Log are genrated and sent to kafka servers, Its time to build the etl consumer to transform these logs and load to psql run:
$ cd ../ConsumerETL/
$ mvn package
Run the ETL Consumer
$ java -jar target/ConsumerETL.jar
Now the log has been tarnsformed and loaded to psql Database.
Here is the activity table in Psql
equip_id | type | name | role | time | id
1769 | login | Name0 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:45:00.906 | 0
1770 | login | Name1 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.031 | 1
1771 | login | Name2 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.032 | 2
1772 | login | Name3 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.033 | 3
1904 | update | Name135 | user | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.124 | 135
1905 | update | Name136 | user | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.124 | 136
1906 | update | Name137 | user | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.125 | 137
1907 | update | Name138 | user | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.126 | 138
1908 | update | Name139 | user | 2018-09-15 10:45:01.126 | 139
(140 rows)
And the login table in Psql
equip_id | name | role | time | id | age
335 | Name0 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.486 | 0 | 50
336 | Name1 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.609 | 1 | 50
337 | Name2 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.061 | 2 | 50
338 | Name3 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.061 | 3 | 50
339 | Name4 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.611 | 4 | 50
363 | Name28 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.627 | 28 | 50
364 | Name29 | admin | 2018-09-15 10:43:15.628 | 29 | 50
(30 rows)
After setting up the project the starting point for you, would be the class
public class Transformer {
* Tranaform data in messeges and Load to psql
* @throws ParseException
* @throws java.text.ParseException
public static void transform(String msg) throws ParseException, java.text.ParseException {
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(msg);
JSONObject person = (JSONObject) parser.parse(json.get("Person").toString());
The method Transformer.transform(msg) will be called when ever there is data avialable on kafka brokers, By using this method data transformation can be done according to the requirments.
Note:You will also need to add pojo and hibernateImpl classes in the project under the packages etl.pojo and etl.dao.psotgreImpl, respectively--According to the schemas of Database you are using.