National Institute of Health
- New York
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/attilagk/
- @jones_attila
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0257-8781
BSM-research Public
Genomic analyses for the Brain Somatic Mosaicism (BSM) research project (Science. 2017 Apr 28;356(6336).)
research-tools Public
Scripts for all my computational genomics research projects
Shell UpdatedDec 21, 2020 -
bsmn-pipeline Public
Forked from bsmn/bsmn-pipelineBSMN common data processing pipeline
Shell UpdatedApr 20, 2020 -
MosaicForecast Public
Forked from parklab/MosaicForecastA mosaic detecting software based on phasing and random forest
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 10, 2020 -
guney_code Public
Forked from italodovalle/guney_codeToolbox - generic utilities for data processing (e.g., parsing, proximity, guild scoring, etc...)
Python UpdatedOct 27, 2019 -
SMPracticals-Davison Public
Practicals for A. C. Davison's book 'Statistical Models' (Cambridge University Press)
RMarkdown UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
monoallelic-brain-notebook Public
Source code of the website presenting my research notebook for our article Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 25;9(1):2914
TeX UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
monoallelic-brain-research Public
Statistical analyses of gene expression for our article Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 25;9(1):2914
R UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
R-you-experienced Public
A blog on programming and data analysis with R
RMarkdown UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
writing Public
On the boundaries of scientific thought and the limitations of academia
CSS UpdatedAug 24, 2017 -
SICP-programming-exercises Public
Solved programming exercises from 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs' (MIT Press)
Scheme UpdatedJun 2, 2017