Releases: attilaoroszdev/lazyadmin
Lazy Admin v2.1
This minor version release has a few bug-fixes, and quite a few new functions and enhancements, mainly for user-friendliness, and ease of setup.
Once again, Lazy Admin is available in 4 "flavours":
- Full - The whole package, complete with sample data, plugins, docs, and an installer script
- Minimal - A leaned down version: No docs, no plugins with external dependencies, no sample data, comes with owninstaller
- Portable - Same as the full version, only without an installer... or the need to install. Run it from anywhere.
- Portable Minimal - You can probably guess from the above...
New in 2.1
- Different user profiles can now be loaded via command line arguments
- Line-connector drawing preference can be temporarily changed via cmd arg (on or off) - Useful with remote access where font is non-monospace, like e.g. Android terminal emulators
- Infinite tab: Now tabs wrap around when going in one direction, just like the menus
- Simple menu entries: A more ergonomic way to define menus
- Simple menu bindings: A more user friendly way to bind functions to menu items
extra function as a plugin: Allows to run a command or script as root, allows user to specify preferred root method, and even auto detects if unsure
- Improved installer
- Help menu can now also skip items
- Extended documentation with new functionality
- Renamed some components so that filenames to better reflect functionality
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Re-flowing menu after returning from help menu could cause bleeding through of help menu items
- Corrections to documentation (typos, etc)
Lazy Admin 2.0.1
This quick-fix release fixes the lingering bash 4.4 bug (#11), which disabled Lazy Admin's core functionality (that being navigation), plus straightens out the licensing
Lazy Admin v2.0
Note, this release was "recalled", because I simply f..ked up the licensing (forgot to change it in some of the files). A new release with a fix for bash 4.4 related issues will be available shortly
The reason for major version bump is re-licensing to the more flexible MIT license (was AGPL before) for better re-usability, and a less restrictive "freedom".
This major release has a few minor improvements, like:
- Fixed #10, setting menu parameters at start
- Improved the packaged README file
- Added packaging instructions
Lazy Admin v1.0
The very first stable version of Lazy Admin. Yaaay!
What's new (since v0.9b)?
- Launcher now checks if user directory exists. if not, creates it
- Added proper user guides
- Minor code improvements
- Added option to display hotkeys, (see Issue #7 )
- Maximum and minimum menu sizes, and maximum number of tabs are now properly checked and enforced (See Issues #6 and #8)
Bug fixes
- #1 - Help menu option restored in side panel, after exiting help menu itself
- #2 - Fixed menu size problem when using help menu
- #3 - Correctly saving text editor preference now
- #4 - Fixed minor drawing glitch
- #5 - Cursor now does not reappear when returning from script or command with active input
Available downloads
Lazy Admin is available in four flavours or editions:
- Full - The whole package, complete with sample data and an installer script
- Minimal - A leaned down version: No bulky help files, no plugins with external dependencies, no sample data
- Portable - Same as the full version, only without an installer... or the need to install.
- Portable Minimal - You can probably guess from the above...
Lazy Admin v0.9-beta
One step away from the release, this -pre-release is nearly "production ready".
What's new?
- Nicer drawing, now using proper box drawing characters and connected lines
- Resolved flickering when going up a level
- Edit user settings from within Lazy Admin, with user's preferred editor
- New launcher (ladmin)
- Restructure project from the gorund up.
- Possible to install per user or globally
- Includes now all focused into one file, not scattered aorund the project
- New keyboard mappings, more effective navigation, and alternatives to arrow keys
- Launcher will create missing user directory (in case of global install, if e.g. user never launched ladmin)
- Improved help: now a plugin, displaying MarkDown formatted help with lynx and pandoc (optionally)
- Help files organised in special menu
- Installer can now check external dependencies optionally
No critical errors, ready to release
- Help files need updating text
- Launcher should also check if archive for creating user files exists. if not, just touch up new files
- There is a minor drawing issue, when tag separator is right above right panel separator
Lazy Admin v0.5 alpha
To install
- Extract tarball
- Run
- Completely re-structured project
- Better separated user and core files
- "Under the hood" improvements" regarding better handling of dynamic "dependencies"
- Core files remaned
- Installer improved, now able to choose between local (per user) and global (system-wide) install
- Better drawing, cursor now hidden
- Fixed some bugs affecting flags submenu. Now it can start form submenus
- Flags submenu flag entries maximised in 9 (any more is ignored)
- Help function currently broken (in limbo state between two implementations)
- man page and formatted help files with help menu
- In case of a global install, launcher should check if local user directory and files exist. if not, create them
- Installer script still has some rough edges
- Codebase had grown organically (and some years ago), needs some proper commenting/structuring
Lazy Admin v0.4 alpha
Fourth pre-release version. Most things are working, but some functionality is still missing.