This project is fucused on the installation of ArcGIS Enterprise components. This does not include the configuration of ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment.
This repo will help you to install ArcGIS Enterprise components on your testing machines.
For more defails for provisioing of ArcGIS Enterprise base deployment, see the comming soon repository. That repository include the provisioning steps.
I choose Ansible as a provisioning tool. Ansible is used as a provisioning tool to install ArcGIS Enterprise because Ansible is simple, agentless.
This project includes:
- ArcGIS Data Store installation.
- ArcGIS Server installation.
- Portal for ArcGIS installation.
There is no ArcGIS Web Adaptor role, you can prepare the web adaptor role or other reverse proxy server(i.e nginx). The minimum configuration sample of nginx is here.
- Prepare the following ArcGIS Enterprise installers.
ArcGIS Data Store installer
ArcGIS Server core installer (English installer)
As the web gis system, the localized resouces must not used as the result of that applied localized resources.
Portal for ArcGIS Installer
Portal for ArcGIS Web Style installer
- Prepare the target instances to install ArcGIS Enterprise.
NOTE: if running Ansible locally, please check the network settings. Ansible provisioner will run through winrm and ssh(linux).
Clone this repo
Edit variables for your case.
Variables to edit are:
- vars_arcgisportal.yaml
- vars_arcgisserver.yaml
- vars_arcgisdatastore.yaml
At least variables to edit are here (with all Uppercase WORDS except for shell arguments.): The sample variable yaml file for Portal for ArcGIS is here:
# common vars arcgis_version: VERSION YOU WANT TO INSTALL(ie. 10.9.1, 11.0. This is used in extract directory) arcgis_service_account_group: ARCGIS SERVICE ACCOUNT GROUP FOR LINUX arcgis_service_account: ARCGIS SERVICE ACCOUNT arcgis_service_account_pw: ARCGIS SERVICE ACCOUNT ENCRYPTED PASSWORD # for Windows win_arcgis_component: PortalForArcGIS win_arcgis_webstyle: ArcGISWebStyles win_product_id: '{CHECK SOFTWARE PRODUCTCODE}' # product_id is listed here: win_remote_temp_dest_dir: FOR COPY-DESTINATEION DIRECCTORY win_remote_extract_dest_dir: FOR EXTRACTION OF INSTALLERS DIRECTORY win_copy_local_files: - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS INSTALLER FILE PATH - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS WEBSTYLE INSTALLER FILE PATH win_install_dir: INSTALL DIRECTORY win_portal_dir: CONTENT DIRECTORY win_install_log_dir: INSTALLATION LOG DIRECTORY win_install_log_path: "{{ win_install_log_dir }}\\arcgis-portal.log" win_setup_msi_path: "{{ win_remote_extract_dest_dir }}\\ArcGIS {{ arcgis_version }}\\{{ win_arcgis_component }}\\SetupFiles\\setup.msi" win_setup_msi_with_log_arguments: "/qn ACCEPTEULA{{'='}}yes INSTALLDIR{{'='}}{{ win_install_dir }} CONTENTDIR{{'='}}{{ win_portal_dir }} USER_NAME{{'='}}{{ arcgis_service_account }} PASSWORD{{'='}}{{ arcgis_service_account_pw }} /L*V {{ win_install_log_path }}" win_setup_msi_argumentlist: "/i \"\"{{ win_setup_msi_path }}\"\" {{ win_setup_msi_with_log_arguments }}" win_setup_msi_process_command: "Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList \"{{ win_setup_msi_argumentlist }}\" -Wait" win_setup_webstyle_msi_with_log_arguments: "/qn ACCEPTEULA{{'='}}yes /L*V {{ win_install_log_path }}" win_setup_webstyle_msi_path: "{{ win_remote_extract_dest_dir }}\\ArcGIS 10.9.1\\ArcGISWebStyles\\SetupFiles\\setup.msi" win_setup_webstyle_msi_argumentlist: "/i \"\"{{ win_setup_webstyle_msi_path }}\"\" {{ win_setup_webstyle_msi_with_log_arguments }}" win_setup_webstyle_msi_process_command: "Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList \"{{ win_setup_webstyle_msi_argumentlist }}\" -Wait" # service name parameter win_service_name: "Portal for ArcGIS" # for Linux remote_temp_dest_dir: /tmp/arcgis remote_extract_dest_dir: "/home/{{ arcgis_service_account }}/setup" arcgisports: - 7080 - 7443 copy_local_files: - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS INSTALLER FILE - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS WEBSTYLE INSTALLER FILE install_dir: INSTALL DIRECTORY setup_command: "./Setup -m silent --verbose -l yes -d {{ install_dir }}" setup_command_location: "{{ remote_extract_dest_dir }}/PortalForArcGIS/" manual_start_shell: "./" manual_start_shell_location: "{{ install_dir }}/arcgis/portal/" service_unit_path: "{{ install_dir }}/arcgis/portal/framework/etc/arcgisportal.service" service_unit_dest_path: /etc/systemd/system/arcgisportal.service # service name parameter service_name: arcgisportal # OPTIONS for REDHAT rhelaccount: YOUR REDHAT ACCOUNT rhelaccount_password: YOUR REDHAT ACCOUNT PASSWORD # OPTIONS for AWS installer_bucket_name: YOUR BUCKET NAME HOSTING INSTALLERS logs_bucket_name: YOUR BUCKET NAME for LOGS win_copy_s3_files: - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS INSTALLER FILE - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS WEBSTYLE INSTALLER FILE copy_s3_files: - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS INSTALLER FILE - PORTAL FOR ARCGIS WEBSTYLE INSTALLER FILE
RECOMMENDATION: The service account password should be encrypted (such as ansible vault) or I prepared the task to create service account with the password from AWS Parameter Store such as "win_createuser_using_ssm.yaml". If using password in vars file, please change the main.yaml under common role as the following:
# current - include_tasks: win_createuser_using_ssm.yaml when: - ansible_os_family == "Windows" # after - include_tasks: win_createuser.yaml when: - ansible_os_family == "Windows"
NOTE: win_ prefix varibales are for windows hosts.
Modify the inventory with your hosts.
I prepared 2 samples about singlenode and multiple nodes for Windows.
- arcgis-all-in-one.cfg
- arcgis-three-nodes.cfg
If target nodes are linux, please use ssh connection.
run the following shell to install:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file_path> <playbook_file_path>
case1 - you need only arcgisdatastore installation on your target host:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file_path> arcgisdatastore.yaml
case2 - you need arcgis server/portal for arcgis/arcgis server installation on your single target host:
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file_path> arcgis-all-in-one.yaml
case3 - you need arcgis components on each target hosts(3 hosts):
ansible-playbook -i <inventory_file_path> arcgis-three-nodes.yaml
The roles include:
- arcgisdatastore - ArcGIS Data Store installation role
- arcgisserver - ArcGIS Server installation role
- arcgisportal - Portal for ArcGIS installation role
- common - common tasks for ArcGIS installation such as service account creation, firewall enabled etc.
- general - sample os configuration such as yum update or sample chocolatery installation python or boto etc.
I created "main.yaml" in each roles is designed to "include" tasks.
I create other repos for your ArcGIS Enterprise System build.
See the following repos: