Author: Audun Skau Hansen ( 2022
This project was rapidly developed as my submission to a coding challenge from a former employer. I'll keep it here to showcase that I can -- in fact -- write clean and neatly documented code, as I acknowledge that some of my other open repositories may appear chaotic upon visitation.
pip install .
from the project root folder.
python3 -m pytest tests/*
from the project root folder.
The project is documented (both researchwise and in regards to development) with mkdocs-material. Please let me know if you are unable to view the documentation properly (in which case I can make it available for you over github-pages).
To install mkdocs-material (and mkdocstrings) locally:
pip install mkdocs-material mkdocstrings
...then build the documentation (from the root folder):
mkdocs serve
...and open the local served pages in your browser. All written documentation can be found in the Docs-folder.