This is a simple IRC bot I wrote for organizing pickup games in Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast community. You are free to use and modify it according to the GPL-3 license.
It's written in C and has tiny memory footprint so it's well suited for running on embedded devices. I run it on my OpenWRT router.
- Recommend servers and query q3-based ones.
- Support multiple pickup lists.
- !add !remove !who !promote !servers commands accept multiple arguments.
- Track nick changes and autoremove on PART and QUIT.
- Auth with Q.
- Chanop command: !topic
Basic configurable options are at the top of the jk2pugbot.c file. You need to dwell into the code a little more to change other things.
It's recommended to use -O2, or -Os or at the very least -foptimize-sibling-calls GCC flag.
gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 jk2pugbot.c -o jk2pugbot