A Java prototype for Kubernetes-native Nirmata workflows. WorkflowApp watches WorkflowTask Kubernetes custom resources and executes user-defined Java tasks upon resource creation. Tasks of different types may be assigned individually to different executors and run in parallel.
A Golang implementation can be found here.
To create a new WorkflowApp, use the builder:
WorkflowApp workflowApp = WorkflowAppBuilder.builder();
Required: A fabric8 KubernetesClient and a namespace string must be specified using the builder.
WorkflowApp workflowApp = WorkflowAppBuilder.builder()
Finally, add tasks and executors. WorkflowApp.addTaskExecutor() takes in two parameters: a Task implementing the Task interface and an integer thread pool size. Using this method, tasks are executed by a ThreadPoolExecutor that terminates threads that have been idle for 60 seconds.
WorkflowApp workflowApp = WorkflowAppBuilder.builder()
.addTaskExecutor(task, threadPoolSize)
The thread timeout may also be specified:
WorkflowApp workflowApp = WorkflowAppBuilder.builder()
.addTaskExecutor(task, threadPoolSize, threadKeepAliveTime, timeUnit)
Any existing Executor can also be passed in instead:
WorkflowApp workflowApp = WorkflowAppBuilder.builder()
.addTaskExecutor(task, executor)
Finally, start the WorkflowApp:
The Task interface contains two methods: execute() and getType(). execute() takes in a WorkflowTask POJO and performs the task execution, possibly throwing an Exception. getType() returns the type of the task as a string.