The main purpose of the contract is to provide the possibility to move all ops-related functions into a separate controller contract. Ops-related functions include: deployment, upgrading, downgrading, and delegation of execution for some transactions. The controller contract implements role-based access control using the near-plugins.
- Build:
cargo make build
- Clippy:
cargo make clippy
- Test:
cargo make test
The cargo make build
creates two wasm
files in the res
- the main contract file.aurora-controller-factory-borsh.wasm
- the borsh serialized contract file for upgrading the contract vianear-plugins
Note: the up_stage_code
transaction from near-plugins
accepts code of the contract serialized by borsh
/// Initializes a new controller contract.
fn new(dao: Option<AccountId>) -> Self;
/// Attaches new full access key to the controller contract.
fn attach_full_access_key(&mut self, public_key: PublicKey) -> Promise;
/// Delegates an execution of actions to the specified receiver.
fn delegate_execution(&mut self, receiver_id: AccountId, actions: Vec<FunctionCallArgs>) -> Promise;
/// Pauses the contract with provided account id and optional pause method name and pause arguments.
#[access_control_any(roles(Role::DAO, Role::Pauser))]
fn delegate_pause(
&mut self,
receiver_id: AccountId,
pause_method_name: Option<String>,
pause_arguments: Option<Value>,
) -> Promise;
/// Adds new contract release info.
fn add_release_info(
&mut self,
hash: String,
version: Version,
is_latest: bool,
downgrade_hash: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
/// Adds bytes of the contract smart contract to the corresponding release info.
fn add_release_blob(&mut self);
/// Adds new deployment info of previously deployed contract by not this controller contract.
fn add_deployment_info(&mut self, contract_id: &AccountId, deployment_info: &DeploymentInfo);
/// Marks the release with the hash: `hash` as latest.
#[access_control_any(roles(Role::DAO, Role::Releaser))]
fn set_latest_release(&mut self, hash: &String);
/// Removes the release info for the provided hash.
fn remove_release(&mut self, hash: &String);
/// Deploys a new contract on the release info that corresponds to the provided hash or the latest.
#[access_control_any(roles(Role::DAO, Role::Deployer))]
fn deploy(
new_contract_id: AccountId,
init_method: String,
init_args: Value,
blob_hash: Option<String>,
) -> Promise;
/// Upgrades a contract with account id and provided or the latest hash.
#[access_control_any(roles(Role::DAO, Role::Updater))]
fn upgrade(&self, contract_id: AccountId, hash: Option<String>) -> Promise;
/// Upgrades a contract with account id and provided hash without checking version.
fn unrestricted_upgrade(&self, contract_id: AccountId, hash: String) -> Promise;
/// Downgrades the contract with account id.
fn downgrade(&self, contract_id: AccountId) -> Promise;
/// Returns version of the controller contract.
fn version(&self) -> &str;
/// Returns a list of existing releases for deployment.
fn get_releases(&self) -> Vec<ReleaseInfo>;
/// Returns a hash of the latest release.
fn get_latest_release_hash(&self) -> String;
/// Returns a list of existing contract deployments.
fn get_deployments(&self) -> BTreeMap<AccountId, DeploymentInfo>;
/// Returns a contract deployment info for corresponding account id.
fn get_deployment(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<DeploymentInfo>;
/// Callback which adds or modifies a deployment info after successful deployment or upgrading of new contract.
pub fn update_deployment_info(&mut self, contract_id: &AccountId, deployment_info: &DeploymentInfo);
/// Represents information about release.
#[derive(Debug, Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct ReleaseInfo {
/// `sha256` hash of the WASM contract.
pub hash: String,
/// Version of the contract.
pub version: Version,
/// Flag which displays whether WASM data was added or not.
pub is_blob_exist: bool,
/// `sha256` hash of the WASM data for downgrading the contract.
pub downgrade_hash: Option<String>,
/// Description of the release.
pub description: Option<String>,
/// Deployment information of the deployed contract.
#[derive(Debug, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct DeploymentInfo {
/// `sha256` hash of the WASM contract.
pub hash: String,
/// Version of the contract.
pub version: Version,
/// Time of the contract deployment.
pub deployment_time: u64,
/// Upgrades history.
pub upgrade_times: BTreeMap<u64, Version>,
/// Initial arguments used while deploying the contact.
pub init_args: String,
Aurora Controller Factory is under CC0 1.0 Universal