In this project, my team and I designed a small reactor capable of producing 200 MWe fueled by UO2 and cooled by liquid lead. I was responsible for designing the reactor core and simulating it in SERPENT. I also calculated the following design variables to analyze the viability of the core design:
- Reactivity swing of the reactor from 0 to 50 GWd/ton burnup: 533 pcm
- Maximum control rod worth per assembly: -0.414$
- Doppler coefficient: -1.040 pcm/k
- Coolant temperature coefficient: +0.040 pcm/k
- Axial expansion coefficient: -0.168 pcm/k
- Radial diagrid expansion coefficient: -0.683 pcm/k
After that, my team also calculated the following salient features of the reactor from the safety and economic perspective:
- Radioligical impact exclusion zone radius (based on a dose acceptance criterion of 20 mSv): 2.2 km
- CAPEX (for an 8-unit setup): 8.4 billion USD
- OPEX: 287 million USD
- LCOE: 120 USD/MWh