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Translation of "five proposals for observability"
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boamaod committed Feb 25, 2024
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title: Five proposals for observability of e-voting
description: Joint statement of observers after 2023 parliamentary elections
author: Observers of e-voting 2011-2023
image: /media/VVK-kettad2.jpeg
layout: default
lang: en
permalink: /docs/yhisavaldus2023
last_modified_at: 2024-02-24

# Demand for observable e-voting

_Joint statement of election observers on 31st of March 2023_

Estonian democracy relies on free and secret ballot. The tally of the votes is observable and fair, the results are determined publicly under the scrutiny of observers. This must be the same for electronic voting. E-voting should not rely on faith or trust in government.

* We acknowledge the political parties and associations that sent their representatives to observe the e-voting processes. Without observers from competing parties, the trustworthiness of the procedures is not ensured sufficiently.

* We condemn the media pressure on the Electoral Comittee and the Supreme Court hurry up processing of the complaints and the determination of election results. Evaluation of the root processes of democracy should not be superficial.

* We demand providing substantial observability of e-voting. Calls to refrain from criticisms of the new voting method and attempts to prevent public tally of election results undermine the principles of democratic elections.

## Our demands

### 1. Observers must have right to file complaints in the public interest

Observers of e-voting do not have the legal opportunity to point out substantial deficiencies or violations that could change the election result. There is no provision for the possibility of contesting the disregard of the procedures, if they have not violated the personal rights of the _observer_, i.e. obstructed observation.

Since the alternative is to complain about the violation of personal rights _as a voter_, it artificially invites to create situations where the personal vote of the observer is proven to be processed, in order to invite the court to discuss a deviation from the procedures or some systemic deficiency of e-voting.

In the legal framework of electronic voting, it is unclear in which case the existing bodies could declare the results of e-voting partially or completely invalid, because the dynamics of the parties rather excludes this possibility.

Due to the one-sided and excessively intertwined motivations of the bodies organizing and monitoring e-voting, most discussions about election processes become hidden, which do not correspond to the principle of public elections and hinder the development of e-voting.

### 2. Devices and data must to be auditable throughout entire e-voting

In order to ensure the trustworthiness of e-voting, it must be possible to observe the voting processes from their first step to the last, that is, from the preparation of voter lists, the preparation of hardware and the compilation and installation of software to its launch and opening it to the users.

The analogy with voting with paper ballots does not fully apply in the case of e-voting, but the voter's activity in the virtual polling station begins with receiving the ballot by means of authenticating in the voter application, continues with submitting the ballot to the collection service as a virtual ballot box, and entering into the role of observer when using the verification application.

Observers must be able to fully observe the processes in the virtual polling station, including the changes in the ballot box and its states, the transition to the processing and counting phase, and finally the tallying of the results. As long as it is only partially enabled, e-voting cannot be considered observable.

E-voting must be observable at the data level for all observers, and for this the meaning of observation must be rethought from the observation of devices and outputs to the substantion observation of the data flows, which would allow observing the processes from the beginning to the end of e-voting. Observing the data stream should not be limited to the role of a paid data auditor.

### 3. IT operations must be treated as legally contestable acts

E-voting makes use of tools provided by information technology, and a large number of events in the preparing, operating and shutting down of voting systems are information technology related. These events must be registered and observed, the equipment and software used must be audited or certified, and the history of related activities must be fully retracable.

In the current arrangement, only operations where the election organizer signs the results can be fully scrutinized, but not the actual information technology events or processes of e-voting, such as the preparation of digital media, continuous backup of the servers, logging states of various services, compilation of cancellation lists, etc.

It is necessary to end the treatment of information technology activities as infallible and always correct. It must be possible to substantially assess the functioning of the software and hardware and their compliance with legislation. The right of appeal provided for legal events must also be extended to information technology processes and events.

### 4. Deadlines must take into account the specific nature of e-voting

E-voting is built as a complex information technology system, the correctness of its functioning can often be evaluated effectively only after additional information has been requested from the election organizer and analysis of relevant data or source code. Actions also mostly consist of sub-actions, which can be identified with high precision if necessary.

In the case of information technology systems, it is not appropriate use replicate the deadlines used for complaints with the ones used for paper ballot voting, where events and their consequences can generally be identified and understood in real time.

As a general rule, the deadlines for contesting actions should be counted not from the moment the action is performed, but from the moment the action is disclosed or the circumstances become known. Many information technology operations, e.g. starting a system, are of an ongoing nature, therefore the term of the right to appeal cannot be limited to the time of the start of the operation, as a result of which the time limit for contesting the operation may have passed by the time it becomes known.

It cannot be considered apppropriate if the electronic votes are counted on March 5 at 11 p.m. and resulting data published on the afternoon of March 8, which would make an unrealistic deadline for challenging the contents 11:59 p.m. the same day.

### 5. Timely access to information, code and other materials must be ensured

Electronic voting is a new voting method, which is constantly changing due to its innovative nature. However, this should not mean that decisions about the operation of the basic processes of democracy should be made on the fly. The development cycle of the voting system must allow for early familiarization with all the details in order to ensure meaningful democratic and public scrutiny.

Observers must be allowed to access the documentation, software source code and binary code, specifications of the equipment used and other related materials in such a way that it is possible to correct the major shortcomings of the e-voting system before the elections.

During the test period, public test runs and elections, observers must be provided with as direct access as possible to video recordings and various system logs, which help to evaluate the functioning of the system. If the observers cannot get acquainted with the information related to e-voting in advance, asking for additional information and answering the queries becomes a source of contradictions.

The credibility of democratic processes depends on the joint efforts of all parties, and if observers are not guaranteed the opportunity to fulfill their constitutional role in elections, it deepens doubts about the trustworthiness of the elections. It is clear that e-voting without meaningful and substantial observability is not sustainable.

_The joint statement of e-voting observers was published on 31st of March 2023 at the web address []( and forwarded to the electoral committee and [the Chancellor of Justice](, for information also to the Supreme Court. The edited version was submitted to the parliament on 4th of July 2023 [through the The Citizen Initiative Portal](, and [the Constitutional Committee of the parliament will start to discuss it]( on 25th of September 2023._

## Timeline of the procedures

* [Accepting of the petition and referral to the Constitutional Committee]( (13.07.2023)
* [Presentation at the Constitutional Committee, postponing of the decision]( (25.09.2023)
* [Indirectly related field session at the Electoral Office]( (16.10.2023)
* [Discussion at the Constitutional Committee, rejection]( (11.01.2024 13.30-13.38, ca 7min)
* [Letter of rejection, missing legally required reasoning]( (registered 18.01.2024, signed/received 29.01.2024)
* [Proposal to send the petition back to the committee for discussion]( (7.02.2024)
* [Refusal of the Board of the Riigikogu to rewind the process]( (20.02.2024)

## Singatories

### Local observers of e-voting

1. Märt Põder. Observer since 2015, contester since 2019, independent member of ministerial e-voting working group in 2019.
2. Sulev Švilponis. Observer since 2015, contester since 2019.
3. Meelis Kerbo. Observer from 2023.
4. Meelis Kaldalu. Observer and contester since 2013.
5. Virgo Kruve. Observer since 2011.
6. Heldur-Valdek Seeder. Observer since 2015, independent member of ministerial e-voting working group in 2019.
7. Martti Randma. Observer from 2023.
8. Ivo Kubjas. Observer from 2023.
9. Kalevi Koplik. Observer from 2021.
10. ...
11. Günter Kits. ICT system architect and expert.
12. [Lauri Võsandi](


_Collective proposal "[E-voting has to be made observable!](" ([in English]( gathered **1068 signatures** at the petition portal and was submitted to Riigikogu on 4th of July 2023._
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions _docs/ → _docs/
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@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
title: Viis ettepanekut e-hääletuse vaadeldavuseks
description: Vaatlejate ühisavaldus 2023. aasta Riigikogu valimiste järel
author: E-hääletuse vaatlejad 2011-2023
image: /media/VVK-kettad2.jpeg
layout: default
lang: et
permalink: /docs/yhisavaldus2023
last_modified_at: 2024-02-24

# Nõuame vaadeldavat e-hääletust
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,20 +35,13 @@ E-hääletust korraldavate ja järele valvavate instantside ühekülgse ja ülel

### 2. Vaadelda seadmeid ja andmevooge kogu e-hääletuse ulatuses

E-hääletuse usaldusväärsuse tagamiseks peab olema võimalik vaadelda
hääletusprotsesse nende esimesest sammust kuni viimaseni, st alates
valijate nimekirjade koostamisest, riistvara ettevalmistamisest ja
tarkvara kompileerimisest ja paigaldamisest kuni selle käivitamise ja
kasutajatele avamiseni.
E-hääletuse usaldusväärsuse tagamiseks peab olema võimalik vaadelda hääletusprotsesse nende esimesest sammust kuni viimaseni, st alates valijate nimekirjade koostamisest, riistvara ettevalmistamisest ja tarkvara kompileerimisest ja paigaldamisest kuni selle käivitamise ja kasutajatele avamiseni.

Analoogia pabersedelitega hääletamisega ei kehti e-hääletuse puhul täielikult, kuid valija tegevus virtuaalses jaoskonnas algab hääletussedeli kättesaamisest autentimisega valijarakenduses, jätkub hääle sisestamisega kogumisteenusesse kui virtuaalsesse valimiskasti ning vaatleja rolli sisenemisega kontrollrakenduse kasutamisel.

Vaatlejatel peab olema täiel määral võimalik vaadelda protsesse virtuaalses jaoskonnas, sh valimiskasti ja selle seisundite muutumist, üleminekut töötlemis- ja lugemisfaasi ning lõpuks tulemuste kokkulugemist. Kuni see on võimaldatud vaid osaliselt, ei saa pidada e-hääletust vaadeldavaks.

E-hääletus peab olema vaadeldav andmete tasemel kõigile vaatlejatele
ning selleks tuleb vaatlemise tähendus ümber mõtestada seadmete ja
väljundite vaatlemiselt andmevoogude sisemisele vaatlemisele, mis
võimaldaks vaadelda protsesse e-hääletuse algusest kuni lõpuni. Andmevoo vaatlemist ei tohi piirata palgalise andmeaudiitori rolliga.
E-hääletus peab olema vaadeldav andmete tasemel kõigile vaatlejatele ning selleks tuleb vaatlemise tähendus ümber mõtestada seadmete ja väljundite vaatlemiselt andmevoogude sisemisele vaatlemisele, mis võimaldaks vaadelda protsesse e-hääletuse algusest kuni lõpuni. Andmevoo vaatlemist ei tohi piirata palgalise andmeaudiitori rolliga.

### 3. Infotehnoloogilisi tegevusi käsitleda toimingutena

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ Vaatlejatele peab testperioodil, prooviläbimistel ja valimiste ajal tagama või

Demokraatlike protsesside usaldusväärsus sõltub kõigi osapoolte ühisest pingutusest ning kui vaatlejatele ei tagata võimalust täita oma põhiseaduslikku rolli valimiste läbiviimisel, süvendab see kahtlusi valimiste usaldusväärsuses. On selge, et e-hääletus sisulise vaatlemise võimaluseta pole jätkusuutlik.

_E-hääletuse vaatlejate pöördumine on avaldatud 31. märtsil 2023 veebiaadressil []( ja edastatud valimiskomisjonile ning [õiguskantslerile](, informatsiooniks ka riigikohtule. Toimetatud versioon esitati 4. juulil 2023 [läbi rahvaalgatusportaali]( riigikogule ning 25. septembril 2023 [hakkab seda arutama põhiseaduskomisjon](
_E-hääletuse vaatlejate pöördumine on avaldatud 31. märtsil 2023 veebiaadressil []( ja edastatud valimiskomisjonile ning [õiguskantslerile](, informatsiooniks ka riigikohtule. Toimetatud versioon esitati 4. juulil 2023 [läbi rahvaalgatusportaali]( riigikogule ning 25. septembril 2023 [hakkab seda arutama põhiseaduskomisjon](

## Menetluskäik

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