This is a multi-purpose personal Discord bot built using JavaScript.
Click here to add MugiBot to your server
- MugiBot has been in development since November 2020
- This repo is under the MIT License, which means you can do whatever you want with it.
- Mugi was the name of my family's old cat (1991-2008)
;help | DM's you the list of commands.
;flip | Flip a coin. Optionally guess the result.
;userinfo | Displays basic user info, must be used in a server.
;version | Checks current version and date last updated.
;suggest | Send a suggestion to me.
;pstats (name) [year] | Check a NBA player's basic season stats with season as optional arg.
;pstats-per36 | Same as pstats but with per 36 min numbers.
;pstats-playoffs | Playoff stats
;pbio (name) | Check a NBA player's basic info.
;plastgame (name) | Check a player's last game.
;tstats (team) [year] | Check a NBA team's current or *optionally* past season stats.
;standings [year] | Check current NBA standings or optionally check past seasons.
;leaders [year] | Displays league leaders.
;leaders-playoffs | Leaders command for playoffs
;retire (name) | Guesses the chance of a player retiring.
;top-players (stat) | Search top players in a year by stat
;top-players-playoffs | Playoffs for top-players
;play | Play music from title or youtube URL, play more songs to add to queue.
;stop | Stop current music.
;skip | Skips current song and plays next in queue.
;echo | Bot repeats what is said after ';echo ...'.
;leet | Bot repeats what you say but turns it into leet text.
;gpt2 [sentence] | Bot tries to finish your sentence, responds within a minute.
;gpt2xl [sentence] | Same function as ;gpt2, but with a much larger model. Takes up to 5-10 minutes to respond.
;rate [name] | Bot will rate you/someone from 0-10.
;ship [@user, @user] | Combines two users for a ship.
;calc | Bot will solve math expressions.
;image (keyword) | Get a random image based off keyword.
;gif (keyword) | Get a random gif.
;inspirobot | Bot sends an inspirational image from inspirobot.
;covid (optional) | Get coronavirus stats for the world or specific countries.
;define (keyword) | Define a word using urban dictionary. Potentially NSFW.
;wiki (query) | Search wikipedia.
;stackoverflow (query) | Search for a question on StackOverflow
;horoscope (sign) | Get a daily horoscope for a sign.
;reddit | Get links from Reddit.
;quiz (diff)(category) | Answer an easy, medium, or hard question along with an optional category number (See ;categories).
;akinator | Play with the akinator.
- Install the latest version of Node.js (v14.0.0 required) and git
- Clone this repo with
git clone
- Open the folder in git and run
npm install
- Create a new file called
and fill it out using the.env.example
- Create a new application at the Discord Dev Portal
- Follow these instructions to download FFMPEG on windows
Linux Users can download FFMPEG with apt install ffmpeg
- Obtain from the Discord Dev Portal under "Bot" in your applicationAPI_KEY
- Create an account at RapidAPIBOOSTE
- Obtain a key from BoosteSTACKOVERFLOW
- Register your application at StackAppsGIPHY
- Apply for a key at Giphy
- Read Messages
- Send Messages
- Send TTS Messages (Optional)
- Embed Links
- Attach Files
- Read Message History
- Add Reactions
- Connect
- Speak
Start the bot with npm run start
If you're adding new code, enforce coding standards with npm run lint
Feel free to fork and submit a pull request if you want to improve the bot ;d