A starterkit with a sane default setup, a good starting structure and powerfull front-end tools to back you up.
npm i -g generator-jacket
- Npm -- Jacket is an npm package. You can find the package here.
- Gulp -- As a build tool, Jacket uses Gulp.
- Sass -- Bourbon & Neat, h5bp normalize, autoprefixer and more.
- Smacss and BEVM -- Structure is Smacss based and BEVM is encouraged.
- Scss linting -- Scss linting lets you lint your scss code.
- BrowserSync -- For crossdevice testing Jacket uses Browsersync.
- Jade -- Jacket is setup with Jade as templating language.
- Sassdoc -- Scss Mixins, functions and more are documented with Sassdoc.
The Help task displays all the gulp tasks.
The Favicons task can generate your favicons with Realfavicongenerator.
The Sass task compiles your scss to css.
This task can do: Globbing, Autoprefixing, Sourcemaps, it includes a jsonImporter and sends a terminal notification when compilation fails.
Based on the .scss-lint.yml the Scss-lint task will check if all the scss code you wrote respects the codig standards.
You should install the gem first with gem install scss_lint
The Jade task wil compile all the Jade templates to html files in the dist folder.
The Browser sync task will serve this index.html file at localhost:3000/ and it will watch the scss and jade files and refresh all the devices that are hooked up when these files change.
This tasks can generate all the scss documentation used in Jacket.
This task watches all your files.
You can find the doc when you run the gulp sassdoc command.
Jacket • License MIT • © One Agency