This is the basic R script to create a file that can be used for pairwise colocolization analysis
The R script is very rudimentary.
Details of pairwise colocolization can be found here:
A couple of points to note:
Ideally the samples should not have any overlap. If they do, the correlation of Z scores under the null must be calculated and passed onto the -cor function
The files must be ordered based on basepair position by chromosome
You must modify the files to suit your needs. As mentioned earlier, this is a very rudimentary R script.
The pos limits have been set keeping in mind the bed file used to generate approximate LD blocks. Ensure the genome build for the GWAS is same as the bed file. The genome build is hg19 (same as 1000 Genomes phase 1)
LD blocks can be downloaded from here: (european sample)
Basic script used:
./gwas-pw -i "yourinputfilename" -phenos "pheno1name" "pheno2name" -o "outputfilename" -cor "include_correlation_under_null_if_available" -bed fourier_ls-all.bed