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MoeLang edited this page May 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Autoware Unity Tools wiki!

This project is a package for Unity engine provide easy way to create vector map or other functions.

Get start

  • Install Git
  • Create your own Unity account
  • Install Unity Hub
  • Sign into Unity Hub with your account, active with personal user, and install Unity 2019.1.1f1 or above version in official release tab
  • Create a new unity project, Add two lines below to (project path)/Packages/manifest.json dependencies
"com.autocore.unity-tools": "",
"com.nition.unity-octree": "",

How to use

New to Unity

Unity is a powerful tool for 3D Application develop, but too mass to create vector maps. Luckly, only a few basic action you need to know:

  • Menu button contains a button "Autoware Tookit" witch provides tools for Autoware.
  • All windows can open/close and resize/dock, for details visit unity official document Learning the interface
  • Scene view is our main working window, you need to kown Scene view navigation
  • In Inspector window you can edit object properties. Don’t be afraid, Not all properties need to be noticed. Inspector

Load pcd files

  • Click Autoware Toolkit/Load Pcd Folder in Toolbar, select folder contains pcd files, all files with suffix "pcd" will be copied to (project path)/Assets/pcd.
  • In project window, select pcd files needed and drag into Hierarchy window, double click them and you will see the pcd.
  • Some format such as ascii pcd are not surpported at this time.

Edit vector map

  • Switch the Scene View to top and orthographic view will be easy to edit lines.
  • Signal Light object should be attached to one or more Stop Line object, otherwise not work.
  • Signal Light should only match green(pass) signal position and direction currently.

Watch the video

Watch the video