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MyJSON is an embedded relational document store built on top of pluggable key value storage
go get -u github.com/autom8ter/myjson
- Use Case
- Features:
- Getting Started
- Tikv Setup Guide (full scale)
- Contributing
Build powerful applications on top of simple key value storage.
Feature | Description | Implemented |
Single Node (in-memory) | Run the embedded database with no persistance on a single node | [x] |
Single Node (on-disk) | Run the embedded database with persistance on a single node | [x] |
Distributed (distributed kv-store) | Run the embedded database with horizontal scalability using tikv distributed key value storage | [x] |
Feature | Description | Implemented |
JSON Documents | Records are stored as JSON documents | [x] |
Collections | Records are stored in Collections which can hold any number of JSON documents | [x] |
Collection Schema | Collections define a JSON Schema which enforces the schema of JSON documents in a collection | [x] |
Transactions | Cross Collection transactions can be used to persist/rollback changes to the database | [x] |
Change Streams | Built in Change-Data-Capture collection can be queried & streamed for triggering realtime events | [x] |
Scripting | Javascript scripts can be executed with full access to database functionality | [x] |
Triggers | Javascript triggers can be configured at the collection level to add custom business logic based on when events occur | [x] |
Migrations | Built in support for atomic database migrations written in javascript | [x] |
Relationships | Built in support for relationships with foreign keys - Joins and cascade deletes are also supported | [x] |
Secondary Indexes | Multi-field secondary indexes may be used to boost query performance (eq/gt/lt/gte/lte) | [x] |
Unique Fields | Unique fields can be configured which ensure the uniqueness of a field value in a collection | [x] |
Complex Queries | Complex queries can be executed with support for select/where/join/having/orderby/groupby/limit/page clauses | [x] |
Aggregate Queries | Complex aggregate queries can be executed for analytical purposes | [x] |
Time Travel | Find the value of a document at a specific timestamp | [x] |
Revert | Revert the value of a document to it's value at a specific timestamp | [x] |
Provider | Description | Implemented |
Badger | persistant, embedded LSM database written in Go | [x] |
Tikv | persistant, distributed LSM database written in Rust | [x] |
RocksDB | persistant, embedded LSM database written in C++ |
go get -u github.com/autom8ter/myjson
Before getting started, take a look at the examples and Godoc
Collection schemas are custom JSON Schema documents that declaratively configure a collection of documents. The schema defines the structure of the JSON documents in the collection and the constraints that should be enforced on the documents. The schema is used to validate the documents in the collection and to enforce the constraints on the documents. The schema is also used to define secondary indexes, foreign keys, authorization, and triggers.
MyJSON supports a number of custom root level properties that can be used to configure the schema of a collection.
configures the unique name of the collection. The name of the collection must be unique across all collections in the database.
is a required property.
is a set of javascript authorization rules to enforce against actions taken against the database.
is an optional property.
are a set of javascript triggers that execute when certain actions are taken against the database.
is an optional property.
indicates that the collection is updated internally and may only be read.
is an optional property.
indicates that documents in the collection may not be deleted.
is an optional property.
indicates that documents in the collection may not be updated or deleted.
MyJSON supports a number of custom field level properties that can be used to configure the schema of a collection.
configures the documents primary key (exactly 1 field must specify x-primary).
The value of the field must be unique across all documents in the collection.
configures a foreign key relationship. The value of the field must be the primary key of another document in the database.
Foreign keys are enforced by the database at runtime and boost query join performance.
configures a unique field for the document. The value of the field must be unique across all documents in the collection.
a unique field is enforced by the database and is not configurable.
For example, if a document has a field called _secondary_id
with x-unique
set to true, then the value of the field
must be unique across all documents in the collection. Unique indexes also boost query performance.
configures a secondary index. The value of the field is indexed and can be used to boost query performance.
For example, if a document has a field called _secondary_id
with x-index
set to true, then the value of the field
will be indexed and can be used to boost query performance.
indicates that the field is immutable and all edits will be replaced with it's original value.
For example, if a document has a field called _secondary_id
with x-immutable
set to true, then the value of the field
will be set to it's permanent, immutable value on creattion. If the document is updated, the value of the field will
not be changed. Immutable properties override the x-compute
and default
is a javascript expression that is evaluated when the document is created or updated. The expression
is evaluated in the context of the document and the result is stored in the field. The expression is evaluated
before the document is validated against the schema. The expression may be used to compute a value for a field
based on the values of other fields in the document. Computed properties override the default
type: object
x-collection: account
- _id
- name
type: string
description: The account's id.
x-primary: true
type: string
description: The accounts's name.
## allow super users to do anything
- effect: allow
## match on any action
- "*"
## context metadata must have role super_user set to true
match: |
contains(meta.Get('roles'), 'super_user')
## dont allow read-only users to create/update/delete/set accounts
- effect: deny
## match on document mutations
- create
- update
- delete
- set
## context metadata must have a read_only role set to true
match: |
contains(meta.Get('roles'), 'read_only')
## only allow users to update their own account
- effect: allow
## match on document mutations
- create
- update
- delete
- set
## the account's _id must match the user's account_id
match: |
doc.Get('_id') == meta.Get('account_id')
## only allow users to query their own account
- effect: allow
## match on document queries (includes ForEach and other Query based methods)
- query
## user must have a group matching the account's _id
match: |
query.where?.length > 0 && query.where[0].field == '_id' && query.where[0].op == 'eq' && contains(meta.Get('groups'), query.where[0].value)
type: object
# x-collection specifies the name of the collection the object will be stored in
x-collection: user
# required specifies the required attributes
- _id
- name
- age
- contact
- gender
- account_id
type: string
description: The user's id.
# x-primary indicates that the property is the primary key for the object - only one primary key may be specified
x-primary: true
type: string
description: The user's name.
type: object
type: string
description: The user's email.
`x-unique`: true
description: Age in years which must be equal to or greater than zero.
type: integer
minimum: 0
type: string
# x-foreign indicates that the property is a foreign key - foreign keys are automatically indexed
collection: account
field: _id
cascade: true
# `x-index` specifies a secondary index which can have 1-many fields
- contact.email
type: string
description: The user's first language.
language_idx: { }
type: string
description: The user's gender.
- male
- female
type: string
type: object
# x-triggers are javascript functions that execute based on certain events
# name of the trigger
# order determines the order in which the functions are executed - lower ordered triggers are executed first
order: 1
# events configures the trigger to execute on certain events
- on_create
- on_update
- on_set
# script is the javascript to execute
script: |
doc.Set('timestamp', new Date().toISOString())
type: object
x-collection: task
- _id
- user
- content
type: string
description: The user's id.
x-primary: true
type: string
description: The id of the user who owns the task
collection: user
field: _id
cascade: true
type: string
description: The content of the task
db, err := myjson.Open(context.Background(), "badger", map[string]any{
"storage_path": "",
db, err := myjson.Open(context.Background(), "badger", map[string]any{
"storage_path": "./tmp",
db, err := myjson.Open(context.Background(), "tikv", map[string]any{
"pd_addr": []string{"http://pd0:2379"},
"redis_addr": "localhost:6379",
"redis_user": "admin", //change me
"redis_password": "123232", //change me
Collection schemas can be configured at runtime or at startup. Collection schemas are declarative - any changes to indexing or validation happen within the database when Configure is called
var (
//go:embed account.yaml
accountSchema string
//go:embed user.yaml
userSchema string
//go:embed task.yaml
taskSchema string
if err := db.Configure(ctx, "", []string{accountSchema, userSchema, taskSchema}); err != nil {
document, err := myjson.NewDocumentFrom(map[string]any{
"name": "acme.com",
doc := myjson.NewDocument()
doc.Set("name", "acme.com")
doc := myjson.NewDocument()
doc.Set("name", "acme.com")
SJSON syntax is supported: https://github.com/tidwall/sjson#path-syntax
doc := myjson.NewDocument()
doc.Set("contact.email", "info@acme.com")
doc := myjson.NewDocument()
doc.Set("name", "acme.com")
GJSON syntax is supported: https://github.com/tidwall/sjson#path-syntax
value := doc.Get("contact.email")
additional GJSON modifiers are available:
- @camelCase - convert a json string field to camel case
- @snakeCase - convert a json string field to snake case
- @kebabCase - convert a json string field to kebab case
- @replaceAll - replace a substring within a json string field with another string
- @unix - get the unix timestamp of the json time field
- @unixMilli - get the unix millisecond timestamp of the json time field
- @unixNano - get the unix nanosecond timestamp of the json time field
- @dateTrunc - truncate a date to day, month, or year ex:
Most database functionality is made available via the Tx interface which has read/write methods across 1-many collections.
if err := db.Tx(ctx, kv.TxOpts{IsReadOnly: false}, func(ctx context.Context, tx myjson.Tx) error {
// do stuff ...tx.Set(...)
// return error to rollback
// return no error to commit
if err := db.Tx(ctx, kv.TxOpts{IsReadOnly: true}, func(ctx context.Context, tx myjson.Tx) error {
// ...tx.Get(...)
if err := db.Tx(ctx, kv.TxOpts{}, func(ctx context.Context, tx myjson.Tx) error {
doc := myjson.NewDocument()
doc.Set("name", "acme.com")
id, err := tx.Create(ctx, "account", document)
if err != nil {
return err
results, err := tx.Query(ctx, "user", myjson.Q().
Select(myjson.Select{Field: "*"}).
OrderBy(myjson.OrderBy{Field: "age", Direction: myjson.OrderByDirectionDesc}).
1-many joins are
results, err := db.Query(ctx, "user", myjson.Q().
myjson.Select{Field: "acc._id", As: "account_id"},
myjson.Select{Field: "acc.name", As: "account_name"},
myjson.Select{Field: "_id", As: "user_id"},
Collection: "account",
On: []myjson.Where{
Field: "_id",
Op: myjson.WhereOpEq,
Value: "$account_id", //self reference the account_id on the user document
As: "acc",
_, err := tx.ForEach(ctx, "user", myjson.ForEachOpts{}, func(d *myjson.Document) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
doc, err := tx.Get(ctx, "user", "$id")
CDC persistance must be enabled for change streams to work. See the database Options for more info.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err := db.ChangeStream(ctx, "user", func(cdc myjson.CDC) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
query := myjson.Query{
Select: []myjson.Select{
Field: "account_id",
Field: "age",
Aggregate: myjson.AggregateFunctionSum,
As: "age_sum",
GroupBy: []string{"account_id"},
results, err := db.Query(ctx, "user", query)
add a triggers block to your JSON schema ex: update timestamp on set/update/create with a javascript expression
order: 1
- on_create
- on_update
- on_set
script: |
doc.Set('timestamp', new Date().toISOString())
javascript variables are injected at runtime:
- the JSON document that is being changeddb
- the global database instance(all methods are available)ctx
- the context when the trigger was calledmetadata
- the context metadata when the script is calledtx
- the current transaction instance
Scripts are javascript expressions/functions that can be called in Go - this may be used when embedded/dynamic functionality is required.
function setAccount(ctx, db, params) {
db.tx(ctx, {isReadOnly: false}, (ctx, tx) => {
tx.set(ctx, "account", params.doc)
execute with custom paramaters:
id := ksuid.New().String()
doc, err := myjson.NewDocumentFrom(map[string]any{
"_id": id,
"name": gofakeit.Company(),
_, err = db.RunScript(ctx, "setAccount", getAccountScript, map[string]any{
"doc": doc,
javascript variables are injected at runtime:
- the global database instance(all methods are available lowercased)ctx
- the context when the script is calledmetadata
- the context metadata when the script is callednewDocument
- function to intialize a new JSON documentnewDocumentFrom
- function to initialize a new JSON document from a javascript object
WIP - see tikv foldeer w/ Makefile for running tikv locally
Install Dependencies
go mod download
Checkout Branch
git checkout -b ${issueNumber}
Run Tests
go test -race -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out -v .
Run Benchmarks
go test -bench=. -benchmem -run=^#
Lint Repository
golangci-lint run
Check Coverage
go tool cover -func=coverage.out