Add symbolic explanations plugin (#46 ).
It is now possible to view multiple unequal runs at once in Cost over Time and Pareto (#93 ).
Runs with unequal objectives cannot be displayed together.
Added an enum for displaying according warning messages.
Fix lower bounds of dependency versions.
Allow to load multi-objective SMAC3v2 and add example (#69 ).
Allow to load runs with multiple seeds and add examples (#70 ).
Correct incumbent calculation when single objective should be maximized.
Correct range of configuration cube slider for number of configs.
Do not disable existing loggers.
Update author email.
Add exit button which first deletes running jobs and then terminates DeepCave.
Nicer handling of Keyboard Interrupt.
Disable debug mode.
Save plotly plots in higher resolution upon download.
Get hovertext per budget in Footprint, Config Cube, Cost over Time, and Pareto Front.
Fix missing objective specification in LPI evaluator (#71 ).
Don't convert BOHB runs with status 'running' (consistent with SMAC).
Fix api examples (#68 ).
Reset inputs to fix error when subsequently selecting runs with different configspaces, objectives or budgets (#106 ).
Fix errors due to changing inputs before runselection (#64 ).
For fANOVA, remove constant hyperparameters from configspace (#9 ).
When getting budget, objectives etc from multiple runs in Cost over Time and Pareto Front:
Instead of taking the first run as comparative value,
take the one with the lowest budget, else the index for the budgets could be out of bounds.
For PCP, show hyperparameters with highest importance closest to the cost, i.e. right (#124 ).
Add init files to all test directories.
Correct LPI importance tests.
Free port when exiting via the exit button (#52 ).
Add How to Contribute section.
Expand documentation for partial dependence plugin.
Black version from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0
Mypy from 0.930 to 1.5.1
Updated args so there are no missing imports
Updated additional dependencies, so mypy can check all types
Note: If the installs in requirements change, it has to be adapted in additional dependencies
Added many type annotations
In some cases internal refactoring for variables, due to typing
Pydocstyle and Linter
Major overhaul of docstrings in various files
Removed unused imports and variables
Groups now get a default name, if no name was entered by the user.
Groups get sorted alphabetically to appear more ordered.
Additional Changes
Added a "make install examples" in Makefile
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