This app script code can be added to a google sheet to run the Ambassador OS.
- You have a google sheet with a list of ambassadors with three columns, Ambassador Email Address, Ambassador Discord Handle, and Ambassador Status.
- You have a google sheet with a list of ambassador contributions with columns: Timestamp, Email Address, Your Discord Handle, "Dear Ambassador, Please add text, inputs or links to your contributions during the month:"
Note that column headings and column order is assumed
Git clone this project git clone
If you are not running node, you'll need to install it. You can google, or use nvm:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install node
Clasp is a google project that can push and pull scripts to sheets.
npm install -g @google/clasp
clasp login
Git pull this repo into your local dir
Enable API in your Google Apps Interface:
Open your project in Google Apps Script Editor:
File > Project Settings. Copy Script ID.
Link your local directory where you pulled the repository to with your Google Apps Script
cd clasp settings set scriptId <SCRIPT_ID>
Manually create .clasp.json:
nano .clasp.json
Paste this code in it:
"scriptId": "<your script ID>",
"rootDir": "./"
- clasp push
You got the repository files in your Google Apps script interface! Test or work.
clasp create --type sheets --title "Autonomys Ambassador OS Peer Review" --rootDir "./"
You should see output similar to this, with references to the new sheet:
Created new Google Sheet:
Created new Google Sheets Add-on script:
clasp push
Open your sheet to verify it is setup correctly. Your sheet should be named "Autonomys Ambassador OS Peer Review" and you should have a menu labeled "Ambassador Program" on the menu bar. You can verify the code is present by choosing Apps Script from the Extensions menu to enter the apps script editor.
Make a copy of the google sheets for your own testing - e.g. open the example testing Registry and Scoring sheets below and choose File/Make a copy to create your own copy of the testing sheets.
Add your own sheets - using your cloned sheets' identity - to EnvironmentVariablesTest.js. Please comment them out when pushing to github, and just un-comment your relevant contants for local testing. The canonical sheets maintained by the foundation should be the const set when the code is merged to main.
The sheet id is the string after /spreadsheets/d - for example, the bolded portion here:**1p6SUyoinRl9DtQ5ESQZz-wb5PpdNL6wtucrVOf20vVM**/edit?usp=sharing
This application will edit the google forms to update the month to the relevant month when it is run. Google doesn't have an easy way to share admins of forms, so you'll have to create your own test forms.
Create a new form, with the following questions (all should be required):
- Your Discord Handle
- "Dear Ambassador, Please add text to your contributions during the month"
- "Dear Ambassador, Please add links your contributions during the month"
Click on the "Responses" tab to change the form Responses to write to your test submission sheet by choosing Select destination for responses (and choosing your Registry sheet cloned above, or another sheet based on your testing needs) from the ellipsis menu. Update EnvironmentVariablesTest.js with your form ids and links:
Again, the form id is after /forms/d in the url - for example:**13oDRgD2qjryfhv992ZS99zCTOHPXBxsqKAXijupHbfE**/edit You can get the submitter links by clicking Send then the Send Via Link option. You may want to select the "shorten url" chekbox for a shorter link. (e.g.
The Id and Link should be put in the SUBMISSION_FORM_ID
in EnvironmentVariablesTest.js. You can open the sheet you are writing to to get the sheet name for the response data. It will be something like Form Response 1
, and the sheet name shoudl be populated in FORM_RESPONSES_SHEET_NAME
. The worksheet the responses are written to should be updated in AMBASSADORS_SUBMISSIONS_SPREADSHEET_ID
Create a new form, with the following questions (all but the last should be required.) The question text must match the below exactly.
- Discord handle of the ambassador you are evaluating?
- Please assign a grade on a scale of 0 to 5
- Remarks (optional)
Update EnvironmentVariablesTest.js with your form ids and links for EVALUATION_FORM_ID
. You can open the sheet you are writing to to get the sheet name for the response data. It will be something like Form Response 2
, and the sheet name should be populated in EVAL_FORM_RESPONSES_SHEET_NAME
. The worksheet the responses are written to should be updated in EVALUATION_RESPONSES_SPREADSHEET_ID
Modify your Registry sheet with data to suit your test cases. If you are not going to fill out the google forms manually, also update the From Responses sheets with the relevant test data. Be careful to ensure proper formatting for the Timestamp column.
From vscode, you can simply run clasp push
and then clasp open
to open the code editor and run in debug.
From the spreadsheet, that was created on your initial clasp setup, you should now see a menu called "Ambassador OS" with menu items to run the process from the google sheet.
Choose the relevant menu option to send out emails requesting evaluations or submissions.
When requesting Evaluations, the script will add a new sheet to the Submissions spreadsheet called Review Log to record which ambassadors received which evaluation request.
Backup your current "Ambassadors' Scores" spreadsheet.
In Registry add 3-rd column. Name it "Ambassador Status". Manually write onboarding date of all ambassadors.
Rename sheet 'Overall score ' to 'Overall score' (remove the last space symbol).
In both Registry and Overall score sheets, add new first column "Ambassador Id" - it can be left empty, just create the column.
Delete "Sheet 1" sheet in Ambassadors' Scores sprdsht, (if you forget and don't really need it).
Ensure "Ambassadors' Discord Handles" column in Overall score sheet is an exact copy of "Ambassador Discord Handle" column in Registry sheet. (could be made programmatically)
Check vars: testing = false. SEMD_EMAIL = true.
If too-many-triggers error happens, use "Delete existing triggers" menu item for this (but it's already implemented in code). Do not allow multi selecting options in Evaluation Form. Limit submitting to only one time. Editing in fact creates two forms (can lead to errors too). Columns "Penalty Points" and "Max 6-Month PP" are added automatically if don't exist. Current reporting month column is added automatically. Expelled ambassadors are not deleted from Registry. Rather, their status in new column "Ambassador Status" will be updated with expulsion information.