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289 lines (183 loc) · 16.1 KB

File metadata and controls

289 lines (183 loc) · 16.1 KB

Team Explore

Architecture Description


This component is a model that stores all of the categories that the user will be able to scroll through, and the links to underlying groups in those categories.

The model resides only on the server.

  • The CategoryController and SearchController communicate with the model. They communicate:
  • The CategoryController can ask the CategoryModel to load the categories.
  • The SearchController can ask the CategoryModel for matching category search results.


This component is a model that stores all of the group information that the user will be able to scroll through.

The model resides only on the server.

The GroupTileController, SearchController, NewGroupController, GroupController, CategoryController, and BlogController communicate with the model. They communicate:

  • The GroupTileController can ask the GroupModel for subsequent groups in a category as the user scrolls.
  • The SearchController can ask the GroupModel for matching group search results.
  • The NewGroupController can ask the GroupModel to update with a new group.
  • The GroupController can ask the GroupModel for the group information: current amount of users, description.
  • The GroupController can ask the GroupModel for the joined users of the group.
  • The CategoryController can ask the CategoryModel for the groups in a category.
  • The BlogController can ask the GroupModel for the group info and users.


This component is a model that stores all of the user information so that the user will have a personalized experience every time they log in to the application.

The model resides only on the server.

The AdminController, GroupController, PostContoller, SurveyController, LoginController, and SavedGroupController communicate with the model. They communicate:

  • The AdminController can ask the UserModel for the admin groups and admin user information.
  • The GroupController can ask the UserModel for groups the user has joined or saved.
  • The GroupController can ask the UserModel for joined users of a group.
  • The PostController can ask the UserModel for matching a post with a user.
  • The SurveyController can ask the UserModel for creation of a new user based on survey results.
  • The LoginController can ask the UserModel for user login information, if it exists.
  • The LoginController can ask the UserModel to create a new user.
  • The SavedGroupController can ask the UserModel for the user’s saved groups.


This component is a model that stores comment information such as the time stamp, comment text, and the user that commented so that the users will be able to interact with comments on blog posts.

The model resides only on the server.

The CommentController communicates with the model. They communicate:

  • The CommentController can ask the CommentModel for creation of a new comment.


This component is a model that stores blog information such as the blog posts in a specific group and who created the blog post so that the users will be able to view all the blog posts within a group.

The model resides only on the server.

The BlogController communicates with the model. They communicate:

  • The BlogController can ask the BlogModel for the blog posts in a group.
  • The BlogController can ask the BlogModel for tnew blog creation.


This component is a model that stores all member request information in a specific group.

The model resides only on the server.

  • The MemberGroupController communicates with the model. They communicate:
  • The MemberGroupController can ask the MemberRequestModel for the member requests in a group.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about groups.

The GroupTileView component communicates with GroupTileController by:

  • The GroupTileView sends user input to GroupTileController when the user clicks to view a group within a category.
  • The GroupTileView sends user input to GroupTileController when the user clicks to join a group within a category.
  • The GroupTileView sends user input to GroupTileController when the user clicks to leave a group within a category.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the user searching for items.

The SearchView component communicates with SearchController by:

  • The SearchView sends user input to SearchController when the user clicks in the search bar and begins typing a search query for categories.
  • The SearchView sends user input to SearchController when the user clicks in the search bar and begins typing a search query for groups.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about user’s commenting on blog posts.

The CommentView and NewCommentView component communicate with CommentController by:

  • The CommentView sends user input to CommentController when the user clicks to view comments.
  • The NewCommentView sends user input to CommentController when the user clicks to create a new comment on a post.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the user’s home page.

The CategoryView component communicates with CategoryController by:

  • The CategoryView sends user input to CategoryController when the user scrolls through the homepage categories in alphabetical order.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about blog posts.

The BlogView component communicates with BlogController by:

  • The BlogView sends user input to BlogController when the user scrolls through the blog posts of a specific group.
  • The BlogView sends user input to BlogController when the user clicks to create a new blog post in a group.
  • The BlogView sends user input to BlogController when the user clicks to submit a new blog post in a group.


This component is a controller that updates models such as the GroupModel and UserModel and receives alerts from views about the user’s admin page.

The AdminView and PopUpView components communicate with AdminController by:

  • The AdminView sends user input to AdminController when the user clicks on the Admin Panel to view their admin groups and pending requests.
  • The AdminView sends user input to AdminController when the user clicks on the Admin Panel to manage their admin groups.
  • The PopUpView sends user input to AdminController when an admin user clicks to confirm a join request.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the new groups being created.

The NewGroupView and PopUpView components communicate with NewGroupController by:

  • The NewGroupView sends user input to NewGroupController when the user clicks to create a new group.
  • The PopUpView sends user input to NewGroupController when a user clicks to create a new group.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the new user survey.

The SurveyView component communicates with SurveyController by:

  • The SurveyView sends user input to SurveyController when the user doesn’t have an account and fills out the new user survey through multiple steps.
  • The SurveyView sends user input to SurveyController as the user completes the survey.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the user login process.

The LoginView component communicates with LoginController by:

  • The LoginView sends user input to LoginController when the user navigates through logs in and enters their email and password information.
  • The LoginView sends user input to LoginController if the user doesn’t have an account, prompting them to sign up.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the group information.

The GroupView and PopUpView components communicate with GroupController by:

  • The GroupView sends user input to GroupController when the user clicks on a group within a category.
  • The PopUpView sends user input to GroupController when the user clicks leave a group.
  • The PopUpView sends user input to GroupController when an admin user clicks to delete a group.
  • The PopUpView sends user input to GroupController when a user clicks to join a group at maximum capacity.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about the saved groups.

The SavedGroupView component communicates with SavedGroupController by:

  • The SavedGroupView sends user input to SavedGroupController when the user clicks to save or unsave a group.


This component is a controller that updates models and receives alerts from views about member requests.

  • The MemberGroupView component communicates with MemberGroupController by:
  • The MemberGroupView sends user input to MemberGroupController when the user clicks to join a group.
  • The MemberGroupView sends user input to MemberGroupController when the admin user accepts or declines the request.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with groups within a category.

The GroupModel and UserModel components communicate with GroupTileView by:

  • The GroupModel updates GroupTileView with the groups within a certain category.
  • The UserModel updates GroupTileView with the groups that the user has joined, giving access to the posts and comments.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user provides search queries.

The GroupModel and CategoryModel components communicate with SearchView by:

  • The GroupModel updates SearchView with the groups defined by the user’s search query.
  • The CategoryModel updates SearchView with the categories groups defined by the user’s search query.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user comments on blog posts.

The **CommentModel component communicates with CommentView by:

  • The CommentModel updates CommentView with the comments on a specific post within a group.
  • The CommentModel updates CommentView with the replies to comments on a specific post..


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user comments on blog posts.

The CommentModel component communicates with NewCommentView by:

  • The CommentModel updates NewCommentView with the new comment creation.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with the home page.

The CategoryModel component communicates with CategoryView by:

  • The CategoryModel updates CategoryView with the categories to be displayed to the user.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with blog posts.

The BlogModel component communicates with BlogView by:

  • The BlogModel updates BlogView with the blogs that are supposed to be displayed to the user if they’ve joined the group.
  • The BlogModel updates BlogView with the information for creating a new blog post (title, description, image).


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with their profile.

The UserModel component communicates with UserView by:

  • The UserModel updates UserView with the admin group information pertaining to a specific user.
  • The UserModel updates UserView with the joined groups.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with the new account survey.

The UserModel component communicates with SurveyView by:

  • The UserModel updates SurveyView with the survey information pertaining to a specific user, creating the new user when the survey is completed.
  • The UserModel updates SurveyView with the survey progression as the user completes items.
  • The UserModel updates SurveyView with navigation for the users to move freely between survey questions, saving completed data.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with the login screen.

The UserModel component communicates with LoginView by:

  • The UserModel updates LoginView with the login information for returning users.
  • The UserModel updates LoginView with a sign in prompt if an account doesn’t exist.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with the New Group Page

The UserModel component communicates with NewGroupView by:

  • The UserModel updates NewGroupView with the information for creating a new group (group name, group category, group description).


This component is a view that grabs models data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user interacts with confirmation commands.

The GroupModel and UserModel communicate with PopUpView by:

  • The GroupModel updates PopUpView with a confirmation if a user tries to join a group that’s already at maximum capacity.
  • The GroupModel updates PopUpView with a confirmation if a user would like to create a new group.
  • The GroupModel updates PopUpView with a confirmation if a user would like to leave a group.
  • The UserModel updates PopUpView with a post confirmation when the user tries to create a new post.
  • The UserModel updates PopUpView with a confirmation message when an admin user tries to admit a new user to a group.
  • The UserModel updates PopUpView with a confirmation message when when an admin user clicks to confirm a join request.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user creates a new blog post.

The GroupModel component communicates with GroupView by:

  • The GroupModel updates GroupView with the information of the group that the user clicked on, including the description and current amount of users.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user creates a new blog post.

The UserModel component communicates with SavedGroupView by:

  • The UserModel updates SavedGroupView with the information if a user has saved a group or not, indicating this to the user.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user requests to join a group

  • The MemberRequestModel component communicate with MemberGroupView by:
  • The MemberRequestModel updates MemberGroupView with the status of the user’s request.


This component is a view that grabs model data to update itself and alerts controllers of events when the user requests to join a group

  • The GroupModel component communicate with AdminView by:
  • The GroupModel updates AdminView with the pending member request tiles and admin group tiles.