Hello! We are Team Explore in INFO 442: Cooperative Software Development. This repo will be used to host the hard work of our team for the duration of this class.
- Product Manager: Greyson Fields
- Designer: Jayson Edwards
- Developer: Rajoshi Chakravarty
- Developer: Andy Cahill
Facilitating meaningful connections.
COVID-19, quarantine, online-schooling, and online work will forever shape the way students interact with others. Instead of being able to interact with others in a physical environment, students are now forced to interact purely through virtual means which can be very difficult when it comes to meeting new people. Social interaction is a pivotal aspect of the college experience as according to Hurst, B., Wallace, R., & Nixon, S. B. (2013). Finding other students with similar interests is a much larger challenge now than ever before as students are quarantined and taking classes from behind a screen. How might we enable students to make meaningful connections with one another in a virtual environment?