This repository contains the Dockerfiles to build Jupyter notebook images
& other interactive environments to use with the Renku platform.
These images contain minimal dependencies as well as a verison of renku-python
Build with Docker by running docker build -t <name:tag> .
in the directory
of the image you would like to build.
The basic Jupyter image with minimal dependencies.
Currently with python 3.7.
Based on the rocker docker image:,
chosen because rocker keeps a more up-to-date version of R than conda.
Includes the R Jupyter kernel as well as RStudio. To access RStudio,
simply replace /lab
or /tree
with /rstudio
in the URL.
Currently with R 3.6.1.
Based on the bioconductor docker image:
Currently with bioconductor 3_10.
Based on the basic jupyter image with CUDA 9.2 installed.
Based on the basic jupyter image with CUDA 10.0 and Tensorflow 1.14 installed.