POC Demo webapp for AlphaHQ, Let's you explore and share music to the same platform. [Was not allowed to use MVC frameworks for this project]
Main Screen | Mobile View |
- Modal schema's, validation, static and methods
- Metadata extraction from Audio clips
- Last.FM API: Image Extraction/Artist image API lookup
- API's/Assets require authentication
- For media where there is NO picture and cannot find artist image, I leverage gravatar!
- Full authentication (end-to-end): Routes, Assets, Music Files, Pages
- Uploaded User tracked [Deleted user support]
- If music photo not available, use artist Picture instead
- Hand Coded Styles/Animations
- Material Design
- Responsive site
- Modern Animations (eg. Blurring, Easing Functions)
- HTML5 audio
- ES6 + Promises
- Babel Transpiler for ES2015 back-support
- Uglify, clean-css Minification on every page
- Custom Scrollbars for clean material look
- Hand-Written Ripple effect on FABs / Play button
- Seeking on Music Tracks
- Leveraging Pseudo styles to decrease DOM manipulation
- No Songs page message!
- Sliding Player
- Autoplay the next track, when the current ends
- Play/Pause right from the track!
- Icon swapping for play pause
- Artist Image HD slide animation
- Install
- WebServer: npm start
- Database: start 'mongod' "--dbpath ./data"
- Navigate to localhost:8080