My name is Nathan.
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...
- Flutter/Dart
- React
- Rust
My name is Nathan.
A python library for validating, parsing, normalizing scripture references and retrieving scripture texts (for open source and public domain versions)
The djangobible library is a Django app that wraps the pythonbible library and provides models, managers, and other tools to easily index an object by a scripture reference.
This is an (early stages) in-progress project to integrate an AdaFruit MagTag with an analog wall clock to display indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity, indoor air quality, weather forecast, and…
A python library for parsing Bible texts in various formats and convert them into a format for easy and efficient use in python.
Advent of Code Puzzles/Solutions in Python
Python 1
Show the list of valid words for a game of wordle based on validated and eliminated characters.