This is an open source and free to use basic generic Microsoft SQL Server data warehouse (or it will be ;-) database project. Note that its designed for standard SQL server, not Synapse dedicated pools as this doesn't support certain features. We've set this project to Azure SQL compatibility level, but most of the features don't require newer versions of SQL server. So it should allow users who are still on older versions of SQL Server to use everything in this repo if you just change the SQL version in the properties. It has been created using Visual Studio 2022, not tried it with SQL projects in VS Code yet.
It mainly consists of some useful functions, procedures and maybe some tables from our blog ( articles on data warehousing. We hope you like it and feel free to use anything from it in your own projects. A little link back to this would be appreciated though. Also feel free to fork, send a pull request or log any issues you find.
Happy SQL'ing from the folks at Aventius