30 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Added support for empty layers by @josephduchesne in #18
- Tf2 compatible namespace by @josephduchesne in #19
- Velocity bounding + a small fix to external plugins by @josephduchesne in #20
- Bool sensor plugin by @josephduchesne in #21
- added the trigger tween type by @josephduchesne in #22
- Fix 14.04 build by @josephduchesne in #24
- [Feature] Created MoveModel service by @robustify in #26
- [Feature] Added intensities to laser scan plugin by @marbosjo in #23
- Added tween plugin documentation by @josephduchesne in #27
- [Feature] Move and delete models using interactive markers by @robustify in #28
- Closes #30 - Loosened tolerance on unit test EXPECT_NEAR checks by @robustify in #31
- [Feature] Pause simulation while dragging interactive markers and via service calls by @robustify in #32
- Removed redundant call to resolve #34 by @josephduchesne in #35
- World plugin by @KnightArthurRen in #36
- fixed documentation and function name by @KnightArthurRen in #37
- Local frame TwistStamped output from diff_drive plugin by @robustify in #41
- New model plugin to simulate GPS receiver by @robustify in #42
- Visualize 3d by @josephduchesne in #44
- Lua preprocessor for yaml by @josephduchesne in #45
- Fix compiler warnings + improve documentation by @josephduchesne in #46
- Added threadpool to laser plugin, fixed bug with plugin enabled param… by @josephduchesne in #47
- Catch runtime exceptions when adding/subtracting times by @josephduchesne in #49
- Include to compile in Ubuntu 18.04 / Melodic by @robustify in #50
- Fixes #52 Added "collision" flag to footprint to allow disabling collision by @josephduchesne in #54
- Model preview in flatland_viz (fixes #15) by @josephduchesne in #51
- Name and type is duplicated from FlatlandPlugin by @Vuwij in #56
- Add missing dependency by @jspricke in #70
- Add steering angular acceleration limit support for tricycle plugin by @avidbots-kenneth in #71
- vesion bump for deb release by @josephduchesne in #72
- Opencv 3 1 support for Ros Noetic by @josephduchesne in #73
- Made dynamics limits a generic class, improved its function in TricycleDrive plugin by @josephduchesne in #78
- Laser scan cherry pick by @josephduchesne in #79
- Fix ground truth Tf changing parent frame by @eborghi10 in #81
- Version bump of flatland metapackage by @josephduchesne in #82
- reorder include dirs to fix overlay builds by @josephduchesne in #83
- Fix uninitialized acceleration limit, and add unit tests to TricycleDrive plugin by @josephduchesne in #84
- yaml_preprocessor: add support for
by @pbelanger-avid in #93 - Clean up lidar flip param, and re-introduce CI testing for ros1 by @josephduchesne in #94
New Contributors
- @robustify made their first contribution in #26
- @marbosjo made their first contribution in #23
- @KnightArthurRen made their first contribution in #36
- @Vuwij made their first contribution in #56
- @jspricke made their first contribution in #70
- @avidbots-kenneth made their first contribution in #71
- @eborghi10 made their first contribution in #81
- @pbelanger-avid made their first contribution in #93
Full Changelog: https://github.com/avidbots/flatland/commits/1.3.1-rc0