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Networking Web Application

A social network website like Twitter. This project is an assignment for CS50 Web Development Course.

Users can post messages (tweets) which every user can view and like. Users will be able to follow other users to view the posts in their feed regularly.

The application is built using Django, Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS (with Bootstrap). The project is built as per the specifications given in the course.

Project Overview

This repository contains our implementation of the networking web application as part of the CS50 Web Development Course. The goal of this project was to create a social network website where users can post messages (tweets), view and like posts, and follow other users to see their posts in their feed.

The project was developed using the Django web framework, Python programming language, and a combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS with the Bootstrap framework. The specifications and requirements for this project were provided by the CS50 course (see the project specification for more details).

Technologies Used

The technologies and tools used in this project include:

  • Django: Python-based web framework used for building the backend of the networking web application.
  • Python: Programming language used for implementing the business logic and server-side functionality.
  • JavaScript: Programming language used for implementing client-side interactivity and dynamic features.
  • HTML: Markup language used for structuring the content and elements of the web pages.
  • CSS: Stylesheet language used for defining the visual styles and layout of the web pages.
  • Bootstrap: Front-end framework used for enhancing the UI/UX and providing responsive design components.

These technologies formed the foundation for creating a robust and interactive networking web application.


Our networking web application includes the following key features:

  1. User Registration and Authentication: Users can create an account, log in, and log out to access the features of the application.
  2. User Profiles: Each user has a profile page where they can view and update their personal information.
  3. Posting Messages: Users can compose and publish messages (tweets) to share their thoughts and updates.
  4. Viewing and Liking Posts: Users can browse through posts created by other users, view post details, and like posts.
  5. Following and Followers: Users can follow other users to see their posts in their feed regularly.
  6. Pagination: Posts and user profiles are paginated to provide a smooth browsing experience.
  7. User Interface and Styling: The application features a clean and user-friendly interface with responsive design elements using Bootstrap.

These features were implemented to provide a social networking experience similar to Twitter, allowing users to connect, share, and interact with each other.


Contributions to this repository are generally not accepted, as the project was developed as an assignment for the CS50 Web Development Course. However, if you have suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes specific to this project, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your contributions can help enhance the functionality and user experience of our networking web application.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please review the license file for more information.