Welcome to my personal e-commerce project! This project serves as a showcase of my technical skills and proficiency in web development, specifically utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a dynamic and interactive e-commerce website.
This project demonstrates my ability to:
Design and develop a responsive and visually appealing user interface using HTML and CSS. Implement dynamic functionality and interactivity using JavaScript. Integrate external APIs to fetch and display product data, enhancing the user experience. Employ advanced features such as filtering products by category and implementing search functionality.
You can view a live demo of the project https://swift-cart.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/public/index.html.
Product Display: Utilized APIs to fetch and display a wide range of products, showcasing proficiency in integrating external data sources. Dynamic Content: Implemented dynamic content loading and updates using JavaScript, showcasing my ability to create responsive and engaging user experiences. Filtering by Category: Implemented category-based filtering to enable users to easily navigate and explore products based on their interests. Search Functionality: Developed a search feature allowing users to quickly find products by entering keywords or phrases, demonstrating my attention to user experience and usability.
HTML: Used for creating the structure and content of web pages. CSS: Employed for styling the user interface and enhancing visual appeal. JavaScript: Utilized for dynamic functionality, including fetching data from APIs, updating the DOM, and implementing user interactions. APIs: Integrated external APIs to retrieve product data, such as product details, images, pricing, and availability. Project Structure
The project follows a structured approach, with separate files for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, promoting maintainability and organization.
While the project currently serves as a demonstration of my skills, I plan to continue iterating and refining it, incorporating additional features and enhancements to further showcase my capabilities as a web developer.