const Addr2Line = require('addr2line').Addr2Line;
let resolver = new Addr2Line(['/path/to/bin1.elf', '/path/to/bin2.elf']);
resolver.resolve('0x123456').then((res) => {
const addr2line = require('addr2line').addr2line;
let resolver = addr2line(['/path/to/bin1.elf', '/path/to/bin2.elf'], '0x123456').then((res) => {
const Addr2Line = require('addr2line').Addr2Line;
const opts = {
// addr2line tool binary name
bin: 'addr2line',
// addr2line tool prefix
// The resulting binary name is a concatenation of prefix and bin
// e.g. {bin: 'addr2line', prefix: 'arm-none-eabi-'} -> 'arm-none-eabi-addr2line'
prefix: '',
// Unwind inlined functions
inlines: true,
// Strip path from filenames
basenames: false,
// Resolve functions
functions: true,
// Demange functions
demangle: true
let resolver = new Addr2Line(['/path/to/bin1.elf', '/path/to/bin2.elf'], opts);
resolver.resolve('0x123456').then((res) => {