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Lean event persister.

What the project is good for and how this works

The project provides a lean event persister without the need for additional queues. Storage initially is file-based and supports local storage as well as AWS s3 and GCP gcs. It provides configuration options to both partition by group and file size and time buckets (such as hourly). Further, it provides additional "flush-criteria" that determine when a new event file is written to the storage. In case the service goes down, leftover event stores are attempted to be persisted, which should avoid data loss in situations such as dynamic scaling leading to node downing.


  • POST: event/[eventType]/[group] - post events of formats as specified for the eventType
    • [eventType]: see config description for EVENT_ENDPOINT_STRUCTDEF_PAIRS below. Each first element of all derived tuples of event type and structural definition specifies a single endpoint, that accepts only events matching the structural definition.
    • [group]: must either be a value as configured in VALID_GROUPS (see below) or any value if the config value corresponding to the description below for VALID_GROUPS is set to *.
  • GET: metrics - endpoint to be scraped by prometheus

Building, testing, assembly, docker image

NOTE: you will only be able to build the project if you locally publish kolibri-storage, which is to be found in the project Release of the jar to public repo is planned. In the meantime you can do so in the root-folder of the above kolibri-project with sbt kolibri-storage/publishLocal.

  • recompile and test: sbt clean test
  • building jar within target/scala-2.13/: sbt assembly
  • creating docker image: docker build . -t eyvent:0.0.1


Without needing to alter the config file, the configuration properties can be set via env variable. In this project you will find an example docker-compose.yml file. The below gives an overview of configuration properties.

ENV Variables - Optional configurations Usage
NODE_HASH (Optional) Every node needs a unique identifier, which will also be reflected in the file names of the files written by any particular node to avoid clashes (they are unlikely even without this since the event file names also carry the timestamp when it was created). If not set, will be generated randomly.
HTTP_SERVER_PORT (Optional) Port under which the service is started. Default: 6001.
NON_BLOCKING_POOL_THREADS (Optional) In case you want to deviate from the default ZIO settings, you can set the number of non-blocking threads used here.
BLOCKING_POOL_THREADS (Optional) In case you want to deviate from the default ZIO settings, you can set the number of blocking threads used here.
STRUCT_DEF_SUB_FOLDER (Optional) Here you can set the folder from which the structural definitions of allowed events (json files) are picked. Default: "eventStructDefs". Note that as all path this holds relative to the base path configured.
EVENT_STORAGE_SUB_FOLDER (Optional) Sub-folder (relative to the configured base folder) where the event partition directories are created in which the single event log files are persisted. Default: "events"
PARTITIONING (Optional) Json giving the definition of the partitioning to be applied. See NamingPatternJsonProtocol for allowed values. Default: {"type": "YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR", "separator": "/"} (which causes partitioning to be applied by yyyy/mm/dd/hh).
VALID_GROUPS (Optional) Comma-separated values of groups allowed to use in the event post endpoint. If values contain *, this will cause for all groups to be accepted. Default: *
EVENT_ENDPOINT_STRUCTDEF_PAIRS (Optional) Comma-separated values where two sequential values are interpreted as pairs. The first value defines the type of the event endpoint (and will be used in the generated endpoints) and the second defines the name of the json file that specifies how an event is allowed to look like (e.g which fields are needed and of which type). For description of the format see below. Note that the configured json files are searched for in the folder defined in STRUCT_DEF_SUB_FOLDER. This effectively binds an endpoint type to the type of jsons it accepts. Default: store,simpleEvent1.json (where simpleEvent1.json can be found in the examples folder and is a very simplified example)
MAX_FILE_SIZE_IN_MB (Optional) Specifies the maximal file size in MB that any event log file should not exceed (note that the resulting size can slightly exceed this value, since the mechanism sums up the size and when the limit is met or exceeded flushes the file to storage). Default: 2.
MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS (Optional) Specifies the maximal number of events that any event log file should not exceed. Default: 5000.
Env Variables - Storage configuration
PERSISTENCE_MODE The persistence mode used. Can be: AWS (s3), GCP (gcs), LOCAL (local file system), RESOURCE (local resources), CLASS (if selected, need to define PERSISTENCE_MODULE_CLASS property, specifying fully qualified name to used persistence module class.
PERSISTENCE_MODULE_CLASS If PERSISTENCE_MODE is set to CLASS, need to set here the fully qualified name to used persistence module class, such as de.awagen.kolibri.fleet.zio.config.di.modules.persistence.LocalPersistenceModule (which happens to refer to the same persistence module as just specifying PERSISTENCE_MODE as LOCAL).
AWS_PROFILE If PERSISTENCE_MODE is AWS (or CLASS and the AWS module is referenced above), specify here the profile to use.
AWS_S3_BUCKET If AWS storage is used, define here the bucket to store tha state / result data in.
AWS_S3_PATH If AWS storage is used, define here the path within the above defined bucket to use as base path.
AWS_S3_REGION If AWS storage is used, define the region here.
GCP_GS_BUCKET If GCP storage is used, define here the bucket to store tha state / result data in.
GCP_GS_PATH If GCP storage is used, define here the path within the above defined bucket to use as base path.
GCP_GS_PROJECT_ID If GCP storage is used, define here the project id under which you created the bucket.
LOCAL_STORAGE_WRITE_BASE_PATH If LOCAL storage is used, define the base path here under which to store the data.
LOCAL_STORAGE_READ_BASE_PATH If LOCAL storage is used, define the base path here from which data is read (should usually be the same as the write base path).

Defining accepted json formats for single endpoints

First of all, you need to define the format of the expected events for each endpoint that accepts event messages. The format is given by the json format of the distinct fields as represented by StructDef instances (see JsonStructDefs for the definitions and JsonStructDefsJsonProtocol for the json format of these definitions). Here we will give a short tour on the format:

  • the StructDef information is represented as json object
  • the type of the top-level element is NESTED, which refers to the fact that the expected event is itself a json with single fields in it.
  • since the top-level element is of type NESTED, it has additional attributes fields (the fields that do not depend on any other set field) and conditionalFieldsSeq, which represents a sequence of fields that depend on the value of any of the fields specified in fields.
  • within an element of type NESTED, each single field has the following attributes:
    • nameFormat that defines how the key value needs to look (in case of a constant identifier, which will be the most common case, it would be of type STRING_CONSTANT)
    • valueFormat that defines how the value for the key specified by nameFormat is supposed to look (e.g which type, which restrictions).
    • required: boolean flag that defines whether the field must be set of can be left out. Note that validations on a field where required=false is only applied if the value is set. Leaving it out altogether counts as valid.

Now the attributes that go into nameFormat and valueFormat refer to the same set of value definitions, and the attributes to set depend on the value of the respective type attribute. Let's see what we have here:

Primitive Types

Type Description Fields / Examples
INT Any integer value. {"type": "INT"}
CHOICE_INT Any of a selection of integer values. {"type": "CHOICE_INT", "choices": [0, 1, 2]}
MIN_MAX_INT Any integer within [min, max]. {"type": "MIN_MAX_INT", "min": 0, "max": 5}
STRING_CONSTANT String of exactly the value defined by value attribute. {"type": "STRING_CONSTANT", "value": "const1"}
STRING Any string. {"type": "STRING"}
CHOICE_STRING Any of a selection of string values. {"type": "CHOICE_STRING", "choices": ["str1", "str2"]}
REGEX Any string matching the regex given by the regex attribute. {"type": "REGEX", "regex": ".*"}
FLOAT Any float. {"type": "FLOAT"}
CHOICE_FLOAT Any of a selection of float values. {"type": "CHOICE_FLOAT", "choices": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6]}
MIN_MAX_FLOAT Any float within [min, max]. {"type": "MIN_MAX_FLOAT", "min": 0.1, "max": 0.5}
DOUBLE Any double. {"type": "DOUBLE"}
CHOICE_DOUBLE Any of a selection of double values. {"type": "CHOICE_DOUBLE", "choices": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6]}
MIN_MAX_DOUBLE Any double within [min, max]. {"type": "MIN_MAX_DOUBLE", "min": 0.1, "max": 0.5}
BOOLEAN Any boolean. {"type": "BOOLEAN"}
EITHER_OF Any value matching any of the formats given by the attribute formats. {"type": "EITHER_OF", "formats": [{"type": "STRING"}, {"type": "DOUBLE"}]}


Type Description Fields / Examples
INT_SEQ Sequence of any integers. {"type": "INT_SEQ"}
SEQ_CHOICE_INT Sequence where each element is one of the given integer choices. {"type": "SEQ_CHOICE_INT", "choices": [0, 1, 2]}
SEQ_CHOICE_FLOAT Sequence where each element is one of the given float choices. {"type": "SEQ_CHOICE_FLOAT", "choices": [0.1, 0.2, 1.2]}
SEQ_CHOICE_DOUBLE Sequence where each element is one of the given double choices. {"type": "SEQ_CHOICE_DOUBLE", "choices": [0.1, 0.2, 1.2]}
STRING_SEQ Sequence of any strings. {"type": "STRING_SEQ"}
SEQ_CHOICE_STRING Sequence where each element is one of the given string choices. {"type": "SEQ_CHOICE_STRING", "choices": ["str1", "str2"]}
SEQ_REGEX Sequence where each element is a string matching the given regex. {"type": "SEQ_REGEX", "regex": ".*"}
GENERIC_SEQ_FORMAT Sequence where each element is one of the values given by perElementFormat. {"type": "GENERIC_SEQ_FORMAT", "perElementFormat": {"type": "INT"}}
SEQ_MIN_MAX_INT Sequence where each element is an integer within [min, max]. {"type": "SEQ_MIN_MAX_INT", "min": 4, "max": 10}
SEQ_MIN_MAX_FLOAT Sequence where each element is an float within [min, max]. {"type": "SEQ_MIN_MAX_FLOAT", "min": 0.4, "max": 10}
SEQ_MIN_MAX_DOUBLE Sequence where each element is an double within [min, max]. {"type": "SEQ_MIN_MAX_DOUBLE", "min": 0.4, "max": 10}


Type Description Fields
NESTED Specifies the format of all unconditional fields and mappings for specific values of selected unconditional fields to conditional fields. This specifies a direct dependency of the value selected for the unconditional fields and the respective conditional fields. {"type": "NESTED", "fields": [{"nameFormat": {"type": "STRING_CONSTANT", "value": "field1"}, "valueFormat": {"type": "REGEX", "regex": ".*"}}], "conditionalFieldsSeq": [{"conditionalFieldId": "field1", "mapping": {"value1": [{"nameFormat": {"type": "STRING_CONSTANT", "value": "condField1"}, "required": true, "valueFormat": {"type": "INT"}}]}]}
MAP Specifies formats for the keys and values in a map. {"type": "MAP", "keyFormat": {"type": "STRING"}, "valueFormat": {"type": "INT"}}

App Downing Behavior

The service tries to persist all leftover event stores when app is shut down via .onExit hook. This should avoid loosing any events.


Lean event persister







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