Releases: awagen/kolibri
- added metrics regarding processing element flow
- improved grafana status board
- added processing configuration options (see docker-compose examples)
- improved processing: added MultiAggregator to distribute aggregations across several aggregators, providing end result by aggregating all to a final result
- added processing state updates also for queued batches to avoid claimed batches being released for claiming again
- Minor change for batch status list: sort by batch nr
- added GCP gcs support back in (was pending after switch from cluster to storage-based sync due to additional needs for delete / move)
- added endpoints for result summary generation / data retrieval / overview
- fixes (e.g issue of started but then stopped jobs under some circumstances being able to block claiming of new batches)
- diverse set of kolibri-watch UI changes
- diverse uasbility fixes
- visualization of result summary data
- adjustments of single result visualizations
This release marks the split of kolibri-base into kolibri-definitions for definitions of what shall be executed and separate kolibri-fleet-* projects providing the API and handling the processing of the specifications given in kolibri-definitions.
This release still contains the functionality previously packaged in the kolibri-base image, now in the project kolibri-fleet-akka.
It also contains the new fleet-implementation based on ZIO, moving from a tight cluster-coupling as in the akka-based implementation to a loose node-coupling by storage state.
The kolibri-fleet-akka project is deprecated and will fully be replaced by kolibri-fleet-zio.
Since integration into the kolibri-watch UI and details such as example grafana monitoring boards are pending, both projects are included for now.
- Minor processing updates.
- maxLoadTimeInMinutes property to restrict time a resource load is allowed to take.
- JudgementProvider resouece type added, removed retrieval of all available judgements from JudgementProvider, change of mapping data structure.
- Adding Kolibri Dispatcher in LocalStateDistributorActor.
- Added metrics about judgement availability for default values of length (parameter k) of the result subset.
- Added recurrent job finish check to JobManagerActor.